-domination on hexagonal cactus chains
Let D be a digraph. D is said to be an m-colored digraph if the arcs of D are colored with m colors. A path P in D is called monochromatic if all of its arcs are colored alike. Let D be an m-colored digraph. A set N ⊆ V(D) is said to be a kernel by monochromatic paths of D if it satisfies the following conditions: a) for every pair of different vertices u,v ∈ N there is no monochromatic directed path between them; and b) for every vertex x ∈ V(D)-N there is a vertex n ∈ N such that there is an xn-monochromatic...
For a digraph D, V (D) and A(D) will denote the sets of vertices and arcs of D respectively. In an arc-colored digraph, a subset K of V(D) is said to be kernel by monochromatic paths (mp-kernel) if (1) for any two different vertices x, y in N there is no monochromatic directed path between them (N is mp-independent) and (2) for each vertex u in V (D) N there exists v ∈ N such that there is a monochromatic directed path from u to v in D (N is mp-absorbent). If every arc in D has a different color,...
Let k be a positive integer and G = (V(G),E(G)) a graph. A subset S of V(G) is a k-independent set of G if the subgraph induced by the vertices of S has maximum degree at most k-1. The maximum cardinality of a k-independent set of G is the k-independence number βₖ(G). A graph G is called β¯ₖ-stable if βₖ(G-e) = βₖ(G) for every edge e of E(G). First we give a necessary and sufficient condition for β¯ₖ-stable graphs. Then we establish four equivalent conditions for β¯ₖ-stable trees.
Let D be a digraph. V(D) denotes the set of vertices of D; a set N ⊆ V(D) is said to be a k-kernel of D if it satisfies the following two conditions: for every pair of different vertices u,v ∈ N it holds that every directed path between them has length at least k and for every vertex x ∈ V(D)-N there is a vertex y ∈ N such that there is an xy-directed path of length at most k-1. In this paper, we consider some operations on digraphs and prove the existence of k-kernels in digraphs formed by these...