A Note On Analogies Between Characteristic And The Matching Polynomial Of A Graph
Let G be a simple graph of order n and size e(G). It is well known that if e(G) ≤ n-2, then there is an edge-disjoint placement of two copies of G into Kₙ. We prove that with the same condition on size of G we have actually (with few exceptions) a careful packing of G, that is an edge-disjoint placement of two copies of G into Kₙ∖Cₙ.
If G is a minimally 3-connected graph and C is a double cover of the set of edges of G by irreducible walks, then |E(G)| ≥ 2| C| - 2.
A set S of vertices of a graph G is a dominating set if every vertex not in S is adjacent to a vertex of S and is a total dominating set if every vertex of G is adjacent to a vertex of S. The cardinality of a minimum dominating (total dominating) set of G is called the domination (total domination) number. A set that does not dominate (totally dominate) G is called a non-dominating (non-total dominating) set of G. A partition of the vertices of G into non-dominating (non-total dominating) sets is...
A 2-packing of a hypergraph 𝓗 is a permutation σ on V(𝓗) such that if an edge e belongs to 𝓔(𝓗), then σ (e) does not belong to 𝓔(𝓗). We prove that a hypergraph which does not contain neither empty edge ∅ nor complete edge V(𝓗) and has at most 1/2n edges is 2-packable. A 1-uniform hypergraph of order n with more than 1/2n edges shows that this result cannot be improved by increasing the size of 𝓗.
For an integer and a -uniform hypergraph , let be the largest integer such that every -element set of vertices of belongs to at least edges of . Further, let be the smallest integer such that every -uniform hypergraph on vertices and with contains a perfect matching. The parameter has been completely determined for all and large divisible by by Rödl, Ruci’nski, and Szemerédi in [Perfect matchings in large uniform hypergraphs with large minimum collective degree, submitted]....
A graph is called perfect matching compact (briefly, PM-compact), if its perfect matching graph is complete. Matching-covered PM-compact bipartite graphs have been characterized. In this paper, we show that any PM-compact bipartite graph G with δ (G) ≥ 2 has an ear decomposition such that each graph in the decomposition sequence is also PM-compact, which implies that G is matching-covered
In this note, we strengthen the inapproximation bound of O(logn) for the labeled perfect matching problem established in J. Monnot, The Labeled perfect matching in bipartite graphs, Information Processing Letters96 (2005) 81–88, using a self improving operation in some hard instances. It is interesting to note that this self improving operation does not work for all instances. Moreover, based on this approach we deduce that the problem does not admit constant approximation algorithms for connected...
A subset of vertices in a graph is an open packing set if no pair of vertices of has a common neighbor in . An open packing set which is not a proper subset of any open packing set is called a maximal open packing set. The maximum cardinality of an open packing set is called the open packing number and is denoted by . A subset in a graph with no isolated vertex is called a total dominating set if any vertex of is adjacent to some vertex of . The total domination number of , denoted...
In this note we present some sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of a stable matching in the Gale-Shapley marriage classical model of even size. We also state the result on the existence of exactly two stable matchings in the marriage problem of odd size with the same conditions.
Let F be a forest of order n. It is well known that if F 6= Sn, a star of order n, then there exists an embedding of F into its complement F. In this note we consider a problem concerning the uniqueness of such an embedding.
Let G be a simple graph of order n and size e(G). It is well known that if e(G) ≤ n-2, then there is an embedding G into its complement [G̅]. In this note, we consider a problem concerning the uniqueness of such an embedding.
Let τ(G) denote the number of vertices in a longest path of the graph G and let k₁ and k₂ be positive integers such that τ(G) = k₁ + k₂. The question at hand is whether the vertex set V(G) can be partitioned into two subsets V₁ and V₂ such that τ(G[V₁] ) ≤ k₁ and τ(G[V₂] ) ≤ k₂. We show that several classes of graphs have this partition property.
We introduce the concept of neighborhood systems as a generalization of directed, reflexive graphs and show that the prime factorization of neighborhood systems with respect to the the direct product is unique under the condition that they satisfy an appropriate notion of thinness.