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Radial Digraphs

Kumarappan Kathiresan, R. Sumathi (2010)

Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics

Radii and centers in iterated line digraphs

Martin Knor, L'udovít Niepel (1996)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We show that the out-radius and the radius grow linearly, or "almost" linearly, in iterated line digraphs. Further, iterated line digraphs with a prescribed out-center, or a center, are constructed. It is shown that not every line digraph is admissible as an out-center of line digraph.

Radio antipodal colorings of graphs

Gary Chartrand, David Erwin, Ping Zhang (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

A radio antipodal coloring of a connected graph G with diameter d is an assignment of positive integers to the vertices of G , with x V ( G ) assigned c ( x ) , such that d ( u , v ) + | c ( u ) - c ( v ) | d for every two distinct vertices u , v of G , where d ( u , v ) is the distance between u and v in G . The radio antipodal coloring number a c ( c ) of a radio antipodal coloring c of G is the maximum color assigned to a vertex of G . The radio antipodal chromatic number a c ( G ) of G is min { a c ( c ) } over all radio antipodal colorings c of G . Radio antipodal chromatic numbers of paths...

Radio Graceful Hamming Graphs

Amanda Niedzialomski (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For k ∈ ℤ+ and G a simple, connected graph, a k-radio labeling f : V (G) → ℤ+ of G requires all pairs of distinct vertices u and v to satisfy |f(u) − f(v)| ≥ k + 1 − d(u, v). We consider k-radio labelings of G when k = diam(G). In this setting, f is injective; if f is also surjective onto {1, 2, . . . , |V (G)|}, then f is a consecutive radio labeling. Graphs that can be labeled with such a labeling are called radio graceful. In this paper, we give two results on the existence of radio graceful...

Radio k-colorings of paths

Gary Chartrand, Ladislav Nebeský, Ping Zhang (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a connected graph G of diameter d and an integer k with 1 ≤ k ≤ d, a radio k-coloring of G is an assignment c of colors (positive integers) to the vertices of G such that d(u,v) + |c(u)- c(v)| ≥ 1 + k for every two distinct vertices u and v of G, where d(u,v) is the distance between u and v. The value rcₖ(c) of a radio k-coloring c of G is the maximum color assigned to a vertex of G. The radio k-chromatic number rcₖ(G) of G is the minimum value of rcₖ(c) taken over all radio k-colorings c of...

Radio k-labelings for Cartesian products of graphs

Mustapha Kchikech, Riadh Khennoufa, Olivier Togni (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Frequency planning consists in allocating frequencies to the transmitters of a cellular network so as to ensure that no pair of transmitters interfere. We study the problem of reducing interference by modeling this by a radio k-labeling problem on graphs: For a graph G and an integer k ≥ 1, a radio k-labeling of G is an assignment f of non negative integers to the vertices of G such that | f ( x ) - f ( y ) | k + 1 - d G ( x , y ) , for any two vertices x and y, where d G ( x , y ) is the distance between x and y in G. The radio k-chromatic number is...

Radio number for some thorn graphs

Ruxandra Marinescu-Ghemeci (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a graph G and any two vertices u and v in G, let d(u,v) denote the distance between u and v and let diam(G) be the diameter of G. A multilevel distance labeling (or radio labeling) for G is a function f that assigns to each vertex of G a positive integer such that for any two distinct vertices u and v, d(u,v) + |f(u) - f(v)| ≥ diam(G) + 1. The largest integer in the range of f is called the span of f and is denoted span(f). The radio number of G, denoted rn(G), is the minimum span of any radio...

Radio numbers for generalized prism graphs

Paul Martinez, Juan Ortiz, Maggy Tomova, Cindy Wyels (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A radio labeling is an assignment c:V(G) → N such that every distinct pair of vertices u,v satisfies the inequality d(u,v) + |c(u)-c(v)| ≥ diam(G) + 1. The span of a radio labeling is the maximum value. The radio number of G, rn(G), is the minimum span over all radio labelings of G. Generalized prism graphs, denoted Z n , s , s ≥ 1, n ≥ s, have vertex set (i,j) | i = 1,2 and j = 1,...,n and edge set ((i,j),(i,j ±1)) ∪ ((1,i),(2,i+σ)) | σ = -⌊(s-1)/2⌋...,0,...,⌊s/2⌋. In this paper we determine the radio...

Radius-invariant graphs

Vojtech Bálint, Ondrej Vacek (2004)

Mathematica Bohemica

The eccentricity e ( v ) of a vertex v is defined as the distance to a farthest vertex from v . The radius of a graph G is defined as a r ( G ) = min u V ( G ) { e ( u ) } . A graph G is radius-edge-invariant if r ( G - e ) = r ( G ) for every e E ( G ) , radius-vertex-invariant if r ( G - v ) = r ( G ) for every v V ( G ) and radius-adding-invariant if r ( G + e ) = r ( G ) for every e E ( G ¯ ) . Such classes of graphs are studied in this paper.

Rainbow connection in graphs

Gary Chartrand, Garry L. Johns, Kathleen A. McKeon, Ping Zhang (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let G be a nontrivial connected graph on which is defined a coloring c E ( G ) { 1 , 2 , ... , k } , k , of the edges of G , where adjacent edges may be colored the same. A path P in G is a rainbow path if no two edges of P are colored the same. The graph G is rainbow-connected if G contains a rainbow u - v path for every two vertices u and v of G . The minimum k for which there exists such a k -edge coloring is the rainbow connection number r c ( G ) of G . If for every pair u , v of distinct vertices, G contains a rainbow u - v geodesic, then G is...

Rainbow Connection In Sparse Graphs

Arnfried Kemnitz, Jakub Przybyło, Ingo Schiermeyer, Mariusz Woźniak (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An edge-coloured connected graph G = (V,E) is called rainbow-connected if each pair of distinct vertices of G is connected by a path whose edges have distinct colours. The rainbow connection number of G, denoted by rc(G), is the minimum number of colours such that G is rainbow-connected. In this paper we prove that rc(G) ≤ k if |V (G)| = n and for all integers n and k with n − 6 ≤ k ≤ n − 3. We also show that this bound is tight.

Rainbow Connection Number of Dense Graphs

Xueliang Li, Mengmeng Liu, Ingo Schiermeyer (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An edge-colored graph G is rainbow connected, if any two vertices are connected by a path whose edges have distinct colors. The rainbow connection number of a connected graph G, denoted rc(G), is the smallest number of colors that are needed in order to make G rainbow connected. In this paper we show that rc(G) ≤ 3 if |E(G)| ≥ [...] + 2, and rc(G) ≤ 4 if |E(G)| ≥ [...] + 3. These bounds are sharp.

Rainbow Connection Number of Graphs with Diameter 3

Hengzhe Li, Xueliang Li, Yuefang Sun (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A path in an edge-colored graph G is rainbow if no two edges of the path are colored the same. The rainbow connection number rc(G) of G is the smallest integer k for which there exists a k-edge-coloring of G such that every pair of distinct vertices of G is connected by a rainbow path. Let f(d) denote the minimum number such that rc(G) ≤ f(d) for each bridgeless graph G with diameter d. In this paper, we shall show that 7 ≤ f(3) ≤ 9.

Rainbow Connectivity of Cacti and of Some Infinite Digraphs

Jesús Alva-Samos, Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An arc-coloured digraph D = (V,A) is said to be rainbow connected if for every pair {u, v} ⊆ V there is a directed uv-path all whose arcs have different colours and a directed vu-path all whose arcs have different colours. The minimum number of colours required to make the digraph D rainbow connected is called the rainbow connection number of D, denoted rc⃗ (D). A cactus is a digraph where each arc belongs to exactly one directed cycle. In this paper we give sharp upper and lower bounds for the...

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