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C 55 -groups.

Dolfi, Silvio, Jabara, Enrico, Lucido, Maria Silvia (2004)

Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal

Cancellation of direct products of digraphs

Richard H. Hammack, Katherine E. Toman (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We investigate expressions of form A×C ≅ B×C involving direct products of digraphs. Lovász gave exact conditions on C for which it necessarily follows that A ≅ B. We are here concerned with a different aspect of cancellation. We describe exact conditions on A for which it necessarily follows that A ≅ B. In the process, we do the following: Given an arbitrary digraph A and a digraph C that admits a homomorphism onto an arc, we classify all digraphs B for which A×C ≅ B×C.

Canonical characters on simple graphs

Tanja Stojadinović (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A multiplicative functional on a graded connected Hopf algebra is called the character. Every character decomposes uniquely as a product of an even character and an odd character. We apply the character theory of combinatorial Hopf algebras to the Hopf algebra of simple graphs. We derive explicit formulas for the canonical characters on simple graphs in terms of coefficients of the chromatic symmetric function of a graph and of canonical characters on quasi-symmetric functions. These formulas and...

Capacités de Choquet finies et profinies

Pablo Dartnell, Gérard Michon (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On définit les capacités de Choquet dans le cas fini en utilisant une forme bilinéaire non dégénérée associée à la base de Choquet. On montre que, dans le cas fini, une capacité de Choquet est la donnée d’un convexe de mesure qu’on caractérise. Le cas profini, issu des arbres, est obtenu par passage à la limite projective du cas fini. Sur les capacités profinies, on définit une forme bilinéaire dont le rapport avec l’intégration, dans des cas simples, est étudié.

Cardinality of a minimal forbidden graph family for reducible additive hereditary graph properties

Ewa Drgas-Burchardt (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An additive hereditary graph property is any class of simple graphs, which is closed under isomorphisms unions and taking subgraphs. Let L a denote a class of all such properties. In the paper, we consider H-reducible over L a properties with H being a fixed graph. The finiteness of the sets of all minimal forbidden graphs is analyzed for such properties.

Cardinality of height function’s range in case of maximally many rectangular islands - computed by cuts

Eszter Horváth, Branimir Šešelja, Andreja Tepavčević (2013)

Open Mathematics

We deal with rectangular m×n boards of square cells, using the cut technics of the height function. We investigate combinatorial properties of this function, and in particular we give lower and upper bounds for the number of essentially different cuts. This number turns out to be the cardinality of the height function’s range, in case the height function has maximally many rectangular islands.

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