Displaying 21 – 40 of 106

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Fatgraph models of RNA structure

Fenix Huang, Christian Reidys, Reza Rezazadegan (2017)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

In this review paper we discuss fatgraphs as a conceptual framework for RNA structures. We discuss various notions of coarse-grained RNA structures and relate them to fatgraphs.We motivate and discuss the main intuition behind the fatgraph model and showcase its applicability to canonical as well as noncanonical base pairs. Recent discoveries regarding novel recursions of pseudoknotted (pk) configurations as well as their translation into context-free grammars for pk-structures are discussed. This...

Fault Tolerant Detectors for Distinguishing Sets in Graphs

Suk J. Seo, Peter J. Slater (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For various domination-related parameters involving locating devices (distinguishing sets) that function as places from which detectors can determine information about the location of an “intruder”, several types of possible detector faults are identified. Two of these fault tolerant detector types for distinguishing sets are considered here, namely redundant distinguishing and detection distinguishing. Illustrating these concepts, we focus primarily on open-locating-dominating sets.

Fiedler vectors with unbalanced sign patterns

Sooyeong Kim, Stephen J. Kirkland (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In spectral bisection, a Fielder vector is used for partitioning a graph into two connected subgraphs according to its sign pattern. We investigate graphs having Fiedler vectors with unbalanced sign patterns such that a partition can result in two connected subgraphs that are distinctly different in size. We present a characterization of graphs having a Fiedler vector with exactly one negative component, and discuss some classes of such graphs. We also establish an analogous result for regular graphs...

Finding H -partitions efficiently

Simone Dantas, Celina M. H. de Figueiredo, Sylvain Gravier, Sulamita Klein (2005)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We study the concept of an H -partition of the vertex set of a graph G , which includes all vertex partitioning problems into four parts which we require to be nonempty with only external constraints according to the structure of a model graph H , with the exception of two cases, one that has already been classified as polynomial, and the other one remains unclassified. In the context of more general vertex-partition problems, the problems addressed in this paper have these properties: non-list, 4 -part,...

Finding H-partitions efficiently

Simone Dantas, Celina M.H. de Figueiredo, Sylvain Gravier, Sulamita Klein (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study the concept of an H-partition of the vertex set of a graph G, which includes all vertex partitioning problems into four parts which we require to be nonempty with only external constraints according to the structure of a model graph H, with the exception of two cases, one that has already been classified as polynomial, and the other one remains unclassified. In the context of more general vertex-partition problems, the problems addressed in this paper have these properties: non-list, 4-part, external...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 106