Displaying 81 – 100 of 195

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Recognizing weighted directed cartesian graph bundles

Blaz Zmazek, Janez Zerovnik (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we show that methods for recognizing Cartesian graph bundles can be generalized to weighted digraphs. The main result is an algorithm which lists the sets of degenerate arcs for all representations of digraph as a weighted directed Cartesian graph bundle over simple base digraphs not containing transitive tournament on three vertices. Two main notions are used. The first one is the new relation δ * defined among the arcs of a digraph as a weighted directed analogue of the well-known relation...

Reconstructibility of Boolean control networks with time delays in states

Ping Sun, Lijun Zhang, Kuize Zhang (2018)


This paper deals with the reconstructibility of Boolean control networks (BCNs) with time delays in states. First, a survey on the semi-tensor product, weighted pair graph, constructed forest and finite automata is given. Second, by using the weighted pair graph, constructed forest and finite automata, an algorithm is designed to judge whether a Boolean control network with time delays in states is reconstructable or not under a mild assumption. Third, an algorithm is proposed to determine the current...

Rectangular table negotiation problem revisited

Dalibor Froncek, Michael Kubesa (2011)

Open Mathematics

We solve the last missing case of a “two delegation negotiation” version of the Oberwolfach problem, which can be stated as follows. Suppose we have two negotiating delegations with n=mk members each and we have a seating arrangement such that every day the negotiators sit at m tables with k people of the same delegation at one side of each table. Every person can effectively communicate just with three nearest persons across the table. Our goal is to guarantee that over the course of several days,...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 195