Special values of twisted symmetric square -functions and the trace formula
It is proved that for almost all prime numbers , any fixed integer b₂, (b₂,k) = 1, and almost all integers b₁, 1 ≤ b₁ ≤ k, (b₁,k) = 1, almost all integers n satisfying n ≡ b₁ + b₂ (mod k) can be written as the sum of two primes p₁ and p₂ satisfying , i = 1,2. For the proof of this result, new estimates for exponential sums over primes in arithmetic progressions are derived.
In this paper we compute the trace formula for Hecke operators acting on automorphic forms on the hyperbolic 3-space for the group PSL2() with being the ring of integers of an imaginary quadratic number field K of class number H K > 1. Furthermore, as a corollary we obtain an asymptotic result for class numbers of binary quadratic forms.
Let be an imaginary quadratic field and its ring of integers. Let be a non-zero ideal and let be a rational inert prime in and coprime with . Let be an irreducible finite dimensional representation of . We establish that a system of Hecke eigenvalues appearing in the cohomology with coefficients in already lives in the cohomology with coefficients in for some ; except possibly in some few cases.