Displaying 141 – 160 of 395

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Integral points on the elliptic curve y 2 = x 3 - 4 p 2 x

Hai Yang, Ruiqin Fu (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let p be a fixed odd prime. We combine some properties of quadratic and quartic Diophantine equations with elementary number theory methods to determine all integral points on the elliptic curve E : y 2 = x 3 - 4 p 2 x . Further, let N ( p ) denote the number of pairs of integral points ( x , ± y ) on E with y > 0 . We prove that if p 17 , then N ( p ) 4 or 1 depending on whether p 1 ( mod 8 ) or p - 1 ( mod 8 ) .

Invariance of the parity conjecture for p -Selmer groups of elliptic curves in a D 2 p n -extension

Thomas de La Rochefoucauld (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We show a p -parity result in a D 2 p n -extension of number fields L / K ( p 5 ) for the twist 1 η τ : W ( E / K , 1 η τ ) = ( - 1 ) 1 η τ , X p ( E / L ) , where E is an elliptic curve over K , η and τ are respectively the quadratic character and an irreductible representation of degree 2 of Gal ( L / K ) = D 2 p n , and X p ( E / L ) is the p -Selmer group. The main novelty is that we use a congruence result between ε 0 -factors (due to Deligne) for the determination of local root numbers in bad cases (places of additive reduction above 2 and 3). We also give applications to the p -parity conjecture (using...

Involutory elliptic curves over 𝔽 q ( T )

Andreas Schweizer (1998)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

For n 𝔽 q [ T ] let G be a subgroup of the Atkin-Lehner involutions of the Drinfeld modular curve X 0 ( 𝔫 ) . We determine all 𝔫 and G for which the quotient curve G X 0 ( 𝔫 ) is rational or elliptic.

Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields

Massimo Bertolini (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let E be an elliptic curve over , let K be an imaginary quadratic field, and let K be a p -extension of K . Given a set Σ of primes of K , containing the primes above p , and the primes of bad reduction for E , write K Σ for the maximal algebraic extension of K which is unramified outside Σ . This paper is devoted to the study of the structure of the cohomology groups H i ( K Σ / K , E p ) for i = 1 , 2 , and of the p -primary Selmer group Sel p ( E / K ) , viewed as discrete modules over the Iwasawa algebra of K / K .

Joint distribution for the Selmer ranks of the congruent number curves

Ilija S. Vrećica (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We determine the distribution over square-free integers n of the pair ( dim 𝔽 2 Sel Φ ( E n / ) , dim 𝔽 2 Sel Φ ^ ( E n ' / ) ) , where E n is a curve in the congruent number curve family, E n ' : y 2 = x 3 + 4 n 2 x is the image of isogeny Φ : E n E n ' , Φ ( x , y ) = ( y 2 / x 2 , y ( n 2 - x 2 ) / x 2 ) , and Φ ^ is the isogeny dual to Φ .

La conjecture de Birch et Swinnerton-Dyer 𝐩 -adique

Pierre Colmez (2002/2003)

Séminaire Bourbaki

La conjecture de Birch et Swinnerton-Dyer prédit que l’ordre r du zéro en s = 1 de la fonction L d’une courbe elliptique E définie sur 𝐐 est égal au rang r du groupe de ses points rationnels. On sait démontrer cette conjecture si r = 0 ou 1 , mais on n’a aucun résultat reliant r et r si r 2 . Nous expliquerons comment Kato démontre que la fonction L p -adique attachée à E a, en s = 1 , un...

Lang's conjecture and sharp height estimates for the elliptic curves y² = x³ + b

Paul Voutier, Minoru Yabuta (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

For E b : y ² = x ³ + b , we establish Lang’s conjecture on a lower bound for the canonical height of nontorsion points along with upper and lower bounds for the difference between the canonical and logarithmic heights. These results are either best possible or within a small constant of the best possible lower bounds.

Lang-Trotter and Sato-Tate distributions in single and double parametric families of elliptic curves

Min Sha, Igor E. Shparlinski (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We obtain new results concerning the Lang-Trotter conjectures on Frobenius traces and Frobenius fields over single and double parametric families of elliptic curves. We also obtain similar results with respect to the Sato-Tate conjecture. In particular, we improve a result of A. C. Cojocaru and the second author (2008) towards the Lang-Trotter conjecture on average for polynomially parameterised families of elliptic curves when the parameter runs through a set of rational numbers of bounded height....

Lehmer’s conjecture for polynomials satisfying a congruence divisibility condition and an analogue for elliptic curves

Joseph H. Silverman (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

A number of authors have proven explicit versions of Lehmer’s conjecture for polynomials whose coefficients are all congruent to  1 modulo  m . We prove a similar result for polynomials  f ( X ) that are divisible in  ( / m ) [ X ] by a polynomial of the form 1 + X + + X n for some n ϵ deg ( f ) . We also formulate and prove an analogous statement for elliptic curves.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 395