Majoration du nombre de zéros d’une somme polynomiale d’exponentielles -adiques
1. Introduction. Dans un article célèbre, D. H. Lehmer posait la question suivante (voir [Le], §13, page 476): «The following problem arises immediately. If ε is a positive quantity, to find a polynomial of the form: where the a’s are integers, such that the absolute value of the product of those roots of f which lie outside the unit circle, lies between 1 and 1 + ε (...). Whether or not the problem has a solution for ε < 0.176 we do not know.» Cette question, toujours ouverte, est la source...
We establish a new multiplicity lemma for solutions of a differential system extending Ramanujan’s classical differential relations. This result can be useful in the study of arithmetic properties of values of Riemann zeta function at odd positive integers (Nesterenko, 2011).