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B dR -représentations dans le cas relatif

Fabrizio Andreatta, Olivier Brinon (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Dans ce travail nous développons un analogue relatif de la théorie de Sen pour les B dR -représentations. On donne des applications à la théorie des représentations p -adiques, en la reliant à la théorie des ( ϕ , Γ ) -modules relatifs, et à celle des modules de Higgs p -adiques développée par G. Faltings.

Bernstein polynomials and spectral numbers for linear free divisors

Christian Sevenheck (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We discuss Bernstein polynomials of reductive linear free divisors. We define suitable Brieskorn lattices for these non-isolated singularities, and show the analogue of Malgrange’s result relating the roots of the Bernstein polynomial to the residue eigenvalues on the saturation of these Brieskorn lattices.

Beyond two criteria for supersingularity: coefficients of division polynomials

Christophe Debry (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let f ( x ) be a cubic, monic and separable polynomial over a field of characteristic p 3 and let E be the elliptic curve given by y 2 = f ( x ) . In this paper we prove that the coefficient at x 1 2 p ( p - 1 ) in the p –th division polynomial of E equals the coefficient at x p - 1 in f ( x ) 1 2 ( p - 1 ) . For elliptic curves over a finite field of characteristic p , the first coefficient is zero if and only if E is supersingular, which by a classical criterion of Deuring (1941) is also equivalent to the vanishing of the second coefficient. So the zero loci...

Bounds on the radius of the p-adic Mandelbrot set

Jacqueline Anderson (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let f ( z ) = z d + a d - 1 z d - 1 + . . . + a 1 z p [ z ] be a degree d polynomial. We say f is post-critically bounded, or PCB, if all of its critical points have bounded orbit under iteration of f. It is known that if p ≥ d and f is PCB, then all critical points of f have p-adic absolute value less than or equal to 1. We give a similar result for 1/2d ≤ p < d. We also explore a one-parameter family of cubic polynomials over ℚ₂ to illustrate that the p-adic Mandelbrot set can be quite complicated when p < d, in contrast with the simple and...

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