Lemmes de Schwarz et lemmes d'approximations p-adiques en plusieurs variables.
We introduce the notion of leveled structure and show that every structure elementarily equivalent to the real expo field expanded by all restricted analytic functions is leveled.
We study liftings or deformations of -modules ( is the ring of differential operators from EGA IV) from positive characteristic to characteristic zero using ideas of Matzat and Berthelot’s theory of arithmetic -modules. We pay special attention to the growth of the differential Galois group of the liftings. We also apply formal deformation theory (following Schlessinger and Mazur) to analyze the space of all liftings of a given -module in positive characteristic. At the end we compare the problems...
Let k be a field. We describe all linear derivations d of the polynomial algebra k[x₁,...,xₘ] such that the algebra of constants with respect to d is generated by linear forms: (a) over k in the case of char k = 0, (b) over in the case of char k = p > 0.
In this article, we study solutions of linear differential equations using Hurwitz series. We first obtain explicit recursive expressions for solutions of such equations and study the group of differential automorphisms of the solutions. Moreover, we give explicit formulas that compute the group of differential automorphisms. We require neither that the underlying field be algebraically closed nor that the characteristic of the field be zero.