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R C * -поля

Ю.Л. Ершов, Ju. L. Eršov, Ǔ. L. Eršov, Ju. L. Eršov (1994)

Algebra i Logika

Rank of Submodule, Linear Transformations and Linearly Independent Subsets of Z-module

Kazuhisa Nakasho, Yuichi Futa, Hiroyuki Okazaki, Yasunari Shidama (2014)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article, we formalize some basic facts of Z-module. In the first section, we discuss the rank of submodule of Z-module and its properties. Especially, we formally prove that the rank of any Z-module is equal to or more than that of its submodules, and vice versa, and that there exists a submodule with any given rank that satisfies the above condition. In the next section, we mention basic facts of linear transformations between two Z-modules. In this section, we define homomorphism between...

Rational BV-algebra in string topology

Yves Félix, Jean-Claude Thomas (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Let M be a 1-connected closed manifold of dimension m and L M be the space of free loops on M . M.Chas and D.Sullivan defined a structure of BV-algebra on the singular homology of L M , H * ( L M ; k ) . When the ring of coefficients is a field of characteristic zero, we prove that there exists a BV-algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology H H * ( C * ( M ) ; C * ( M ) ) which extends the canonical structure of Gerstenhaber algebra. We construct then an isomorphism of BV-algebras between H H * ( C * ( M ) ; C * ( M ) ) and the shifted homology H * + m ( L M ; k ) . We also prove that the...

Rational Constants of Generic LV Derivations and of Monomial Derivations

Janusz Zieliński (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We describe the fields of rational constants of generic four-variable Lotka-Volterra derivations. Thus, we determine all rational first integrals of the corresponding systems of differential equations. Such systems play a role in population biology, laser physics and plasma physics. They are also an important part of derivation theory, since they are factorizable derivations. Moreover, we determine the fields of rational constants of a class of monomial derivations.

Rational functions without poles in a compact set

W. Kucharz (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let X be an irreducible nonsingular complex algebraic set and let K be a compact subset of X. We study algebraic properties of the ring of rational functions on X without poles in K. We give simple necessary conditions for this ring to be a regular ring or a unique factorization domain.

Rationality of the quotient of ℙ2 by finite group of automorphisms over arbitrary field of characteristic zero

Andrey Trepalin (2014)

Open Mathematics

Let 𝕜 be a field of characteristic zero and G be a finite group of automorphisms of projective plane over 𝕜 . Castelnuovo’s criterion implies that the quotient of projective plane by G is rational if the field 𝕜 is algebraically closed. In this paper we prove that 𝕜 2 𝕜 2 G G is rational for an arbitrary field 𝕜 of characteristic zero.

Real holomorphy rings and the complete real spectrum

D. Gondard, M. Marshall (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

The complete real spectrum of a commutative ring A with 1 is introduced. Points of the complete real spectrum Sper c A are triples α = ( 𝔭 , v , P ) , where 𝔭 is a real prime of A , v is a real valuation of the field k ( 𝔭 ) : = qf ( A / 𝔭 ) and P is an ordering of the residue field of v . Sper c A is shown to have the structure of a spectral space in the sense of Hochster [5]. The specialization relation on Sper c A is considered. Special attention is paid to the case where the ring A in question is a real holomorphy ring.

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