Iterations and logarithms of formal automorphisms. (Short Communication).
Sia un anello di caratteristica diseguale. Si stabiliscono formule generali per gli endomorfismi di una differenziazione o -iterativa di , con non zerodivisore di R. Tali formule sono note nel caso della caratteristica eguale.
In this note we generalize some results from finite fields to Galois rings which are finite extensions of the ring Zpm of integers modulo pm where p is a prime and m ≥ 1.
We consider a commutative ring with identity and a positive integer . We characterize all the 3-tuples of linear transforms over , having the “circular convolution” property, i.eṡuch that for all .
Suppose that are regular local rings which are essentially of finite type over a field of characteristic zero. If is a valuation ring of the quotient field of which dominates , then we show that there are sequences of monoidal transforms (blow ups of regular primes) and along such that is a monomial mapping. It follows that a morphism of nonsingular varieties can be made to be a monomial mapping along a valuation, after blow ups of nonsingular subvarieties.
Let be a commutative ring with unity. The notion of maximal non valuation domain in an integral domain is introduced and characterized. A proper subring of an integral domain is called a maximal non valuation domain in if is not a valuation subring of , and for any ring such that , is a valuation subring of . For a local domain , the equivalence of an integrally closed maximal non VD in and a maximal non local subring of is established. The relation between and the number...
Let be a commutative ring with unity. The notion of maximal non -subrings is introduced and studied. A ring is called a maximal non -subring of a ring if is not a -extension, and for any ring such that , is a -extension. We show that a maximal non -subring of a field has at most two maximal ideals, and exactly two if is integrally closed in the given field. A determination of when the classical construction is a maximal non -domain is given. A necessary condition is given...
A domain R is called a maximal non-Jaffard subring of a field L if R ⊂ L, R is not a Jaffard domain and each domain T such that R ⊂ T ⊆ L is Jaffard. We show that maximal non-Jaffard subrings R of a field L are the integrally closed pseudo-valuation domains satisfying dimv R = dim R + 1. Further characterizations are given. Maximal non-universally catenarian subrings of their quotient fields are also studied. It is proved that this class of domains coincides with the previous class when R is integrally...
The notion of maximal non-pseudovaluation subring of an integral domain is introduced and studied. Let be an extension of domains. Then is called a maximal non-pseudovaluation subring of if is not a pseudovaluation subring of , and for any ring such that , is a pseudovaluation subring of . We show that if is not local, then there no such exists between and . We also characterize maximal non-pseudovaluation subrings of a local integral domain.