The Waring loci of ternary quartics.
Let be the ring of integer valued polynomials over . This ring is known to be a Prüfer domain. But it seems there does not exist an algorithm for inverting a nonzero finitely generated ideal of . In this note we show how to obtain such an algorithm by deciphering a classical abstract proof that uses localisations of at all prime ideals of . This confirms a general program of deciphering abstract classical proofs in order to obtain algorithmic proofs.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13N15, 13A50, 13F20.An analogue of the symbolic method of classical invariant theory for a representation and manipulation of the elements of the kernel of Weitzenböck derivations is developed.
We give conditions such that the least degree solution of a Bézout identity is nonnegative on the interval [-1,1].