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Calabi flow on toric varieties with bounded Sobolev constant, I

Hongnian Huang (2016)

Complex Manifolds

Let (X, P) be a toric variety. In this note, we show that the C0-norm of the Calabi flow φ(t) on X is uniformly bounded in [0, T) if the Sobolev constant of φ(t) is uniformly bounded in [0, T). We also show that if (X, P) is uniform K-stable, then the modified Calabi flow converges exponentially fast to an extremal Kähler metric if the Ricci curvature and the Sobolev constant are uniformly bounded. At last, we discuss an extension of our results to a quasi-proper Kähler manifold.

Calcul du nombre de points sur une courbe elliptique dans un corps fini : aspects algorithmiques

François Morain (1995)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Nous décrivons dans cet article les algorithmes nécessaires à une implantation efficace de la méthode de Schoof pour le calcul du nombre de points sur une courbe elliptique dans un corps fini. Nous tentons d’unifier pour cela les idées d’Atkin et d’Elkies. En particulier, nous décrivons le calcul d’équations pour X 0 ( ) , premier, ainsi que le calcul efficace de facteurs des polynômes de division d’une courbe elliptique.

Calculating limits and colimits in pro-categories

Daniel C. Isaksen (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We present some constructions of limits and colimits in pro-categories. These are critical tools in several applications. In particular, certain technical arguments concerning strict pro-maps are essential for a theorem about étale homotopy types. We also correct some mistakes in the literature on this topic.

Calculating the Mordell-Weil rank of elliptic threefolds and the cohomology of singular hypersurfaces

Klaus Hulek, Remke Kloosterman (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we give a method for calculating the rank of a general elliptic curve over the field of rational functions in two variables. We reduce this problem to calculating the cohomology of a singular hypersurface in a weighted projective 4 -space. We then give a method for calculating the cohomology of a certain class of singular hypersurfaces, extending work of Dimca for the isolated singularity case.

Calculation of industrial robot trajectory in frame composite production

Mlýnek, Jaroslav, Martinec, Tomáš, Petrů, Michal (2017)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

This article is focused on calculating the trajectory of an industrial robot in the production of composites for the automotive industry. The production technology is based on the winding of carbon fibres on a polyurethane frame. The frame is fastened to the end-effector of the robot arm (i.e. robot-end-effector, REE). The passage of the frame through the fibre processing head is determined by the REE trajectory. The position of the fibre processing head is fixed and is composed of three fibre guide...

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