Displaying 261 – 280 of 397

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Predegree Polynomials of Plane Configurations in Projective Space

Tzigantchev, Dimitre (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14N10, 14C17.We work over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. The group PGL(4) acts naturally on PN which parameterizes surfaces of a given degree in P3. The orbit of a surface under this action is the image of a rational map PGL(4) ⊂ P15→PN. The closure of the orbit is a natural and interesting object to study. Its predegree is defined as the degree of the orbit closure multiplied by the degree of the above map restricted to a general Pj,...


Damien Rössler (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Preperiodic dynatomic curves for z z d + c

Yan Gao (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The preperiodic dynatomic curve n , p is the closure in ℂ² of the set of (c,z) such that z is a preperiodic point of the polynomial z z d + c with preperiod n and period p (n,p ≥ 1). We prove that each n , p has exactly d-1 irreducible components, which are all smooth and have pairwise transverse intersections at the singular points of n , p . We also compute the genus of each component and the Galois group of the defining polynomial of n , p .

Pre-Tango structures and uniruled varieties

Yoshifumi Takeda (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The pre-Tango structure is an ample invertible sheaf of locally exact differentials on a variety of positive characteristic. It is well known that pre-Tango structures on curves often induce pathological uniruled surfaces. We show that almost all pre-Tango structures on varieties induce higher-dimensional pathological uniruled varieties, and that each of these uniruled varieties also has a pre-Tango structure. For this purpose, we first consider the p-closed rational vector field induced...

Prime to p fundamental groups and tame Galois actions

Mark Kisin (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We show that for a local, discretely valued field F , with residue characteristic p , and a variety 𝒰 over F , the map ρ : Gal ( F sep / F ) Out ( π 1 , geom ( p ' ) ( 𝒰 ) ) to the outer automorphisms of the prime to p geometric étale fundamental group of 𝒰 maps the wild inertia onto a finite image. We show that under favourable conditions ρ depends only on the reduction of 𝒰 modulo a power of the maximal ideal of F . The proofs make use of the theory of logarithmic schemes.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 397