Kodaira vanishing theorems on non-complete algebraic manifolds.
We classify the cohomology classes of Lagrangian 4-planes ℙ4 in a smooth manifold X deformation equivalent to a Hilbert scheme of four points on a K3 surface, up to the monodromy action. Classically, the Mori cone of effective curves on a K3 surface S is generated by nonnegative classes C, for which (C, C) ≥ 0, and nodal classes C, for which (C, C) = −2; Hassett and Tschinkel conjecture that the Mori cone of a holomorphic symplectic variety X is similarly controlled by “nodal” classes C such that...
In recent years, mirror symmetry for open strings has exhibited some new connections between symplectic and enumerative geometry (A-model) and complex algebraic geometry (B-model) that in a sense lie between classical and homological mirror symmetry. I review the rôle played in this story by matrix factorizations and the Calabi-Yau/Landau-Ginzburg correspondence.
Let X be a proper smooth variety having an affine open subset defined by the normic equation over a number field k. We prove that: (1) the failure of the local-global principle for zero-cycles is controlled by the Brauer group of X; (2) the analogue for rational points is also valid assuming Schinzel’s hypothesis.
Sia un fibrato in coniche standard con curva discriminante di grado . La varietà delle sezioni minime delle superfici , dove è una curva di grado , si spezza in due componenti e . Si prova che, mediante la mappa di Abel-Jacobi , una di queste componenti domina la Jacobiana intermedia , mentre l'altra domina il divisore theta . Questi risultati vengono applicati ad alcuni threefold di Fano birazionalmente equivalenti a un fibrato in coniche. In particolare si prova che il generico...
Let be an -dimensional irreducible smooth complex projective variety embedded in a projective space. Let be a closed subscheme of , and be a positive integer such that is generated by global sections. Fix an integer , and assume the general divisor is smooth. Denote by the quotient of by the cohomology of and also by the cycle classes of the irreducible components of dimension of . In the present paper we prove that the monodromy representation on for the family of smooth...
On sait que les groupes de Chow d’une variété projective ne sont pas de type fini, et ne peuvent même être paramétrés par une variété algébrique, en général. Pourtant, S.-I. Kimura et P. O’Sullivan ont conjecturé (indépendamment l’un de l’autre) que les motifs de Chow, définis en termes de correspondances algébriques modulo l’équivalence rationnelle, sont de “dimension finie”au sens où, tout comme les super-fibrés vectoriels, ils sont somme d’un facteur dont une puissance extérieure est nulle et...
A Nash cohomology class on a compact Nash manifold is a mod 2 cohomology class whose Poincaré dual homology class can be represented by a Nash subset. We find a canonical way to define Nash cohomology classes on an arbitrary compact smooth manifold M. Then the Nash cohomology ring of M is compared to the ring of algebraic cohomology classes on algebraic models of M. This is related to three conjectures concerning algebraic cohomology classes.
The structure of the group of a surface with prescribed singularities is investigated.