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Moduli of symplectic instanton vector bundles of higher rank on projective space ℙ3

Ugo Bruzzo, Dimitri Markushevich, Alexander Tikhomirov (2012)

Open Mathematics

Symplectic instanton vector bundles on the projective space ℙ3 constitute a natural generalization of mathematical instantons of rank-2. We study the moduli space I n;r of rank-2r symplectic instanton vector bundles on ℙ3 with r ≥ 2 and second Chern class n ≥ r, n ≡ r (mod 2). We introduce the notion of tame symplectic instantons by excluding a kind of pathological monads and show that the locus I n;r* of tame symplectic instantons is irreducible and has the expected dimension, equal to 4n(r + 1)...

Moduli spaces for linear differential equations and the Painlevé equations

Marius van der Put, Masa-Hiko Saito (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A systematic construction of isomonodromic families of connections of rank two on the Riemann sphere is obtained by considering the analytic Riemann–Hilbert map R H : , where is a moduli space of connections and , the monodromy space, is a moduli space for analytic data (i.e., ordinary monodromy, Stokes matrices and links). The assumption that the fibres of R H (i.e., the isomonodromic families) have dimension one, leads to ten moduli spaces . The induced Painlevé equations are computed explicitly....

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