Displaying 21 – 40 of 42

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Endomorphisms of symbolic algebraic varieties

Misha Gromov (1999)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The theorem of Ax says that any regular selfmapping of a complex algebraic variety is either surjective or non-injective; this property is called surjunctivity and investigated in the present paper in the category of proregular mappings of proalgebraic spaces. We show that such maps are surjunctive if they commute with sufficiently large automorphism groups. Of particular interest is the case of proalgebraic varieties over infinite graphs. The paper intends to bring out relations between model theory,...

Equimultiple Locus of Embedded Algebroid Surfaces and Blowing–up in Characteristic Zero

Piedra-Sánchez, R., Tornero, J. (2004)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14B05, 32S25.The smooth equimultiple locus of embedded algebroid surfaces appears naturally in many resolution processes, both classical and modern. In this paper we explore how it changes by blowing–up.* Supported by FQM 304 and BFM 2000–1523. ** Supported by FQM 218 and BFM 2001–3207.

Estimates of the number of rational mappings from a fixed variety to varieties of general type

Tanya Bandman, Gerd Dethloff (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

First we find effective bounds for the number of dominant rational maps f : X Y between two fixed smooth projective varieties with ample canonical bundles. The bounds are of the type { A · K X n } { B · K X n } 2 , where n = dim X , K X is the canonical bundle of X and A , B are some constants, depending only on n .Then we show that for any variety X there exist numbers c ( X ) and C ( X ) with the following properties:For any threefold Y of general type the number of dominant rational maps f : X Y is bounded above by c ( X ) .The number of threefolds Y , modulo birational...

Estimations de Strichartz pour des perturbations à longue portée de l’opérateur de Schrodinger

Nicolas Burq (2001/2002)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

On présente dans cet exposé une approche semi-classique déduite des résultats de N. Burq, P. Gérard et N. Tzvetkov [4] permettant de démontrer des inégalités de Strichartz pour un problème non captif. On retrouve ainsi des résultats de G. Staffilani et D. Tataru [16] (obtenus pour une perturbation de la métrique à support compact). On donne aussi des généralisations de ces résultats au cas d’une perturbation à longue portée

Explicit resolutions of double point singularities of surfaces.

Alberto Calabri, Rita Ferraro (2002)

Collectanea Mathematica

Locally analytically, any isolated double point occurs as a double cover of a smooth surface. It can be desingularized explicitly via the canonical resolution, as it is very well-known. In this paper we explicitly compute the fundamental cycle of both the canonical and minimal resolution of a double point singularity and we classify those for which the fundamental cycle differs from the fiber cycle. Moreover we compute the conditions that a double point singularity imposes to pluricanonical systems....

Extensions de valuation et polygone de Newton

Michel Vaquié (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soient ( K , ν ) un corps valué et L est une extension monogène finie de K définie par L = K [ x ] / ( P ) , alors toute valuation de L qui prolonge ν définit une pseudo-valuation ζ de K [ x ] de noyau l’idéal ( P ) . Nous savons associer à ζ une famille de valuations de K [ x ] , appelée famille admissible, construite de façon explicite à partir de valuations augmentées et de valuations augmentées limites.Nous donnons une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour qu’une valuation μ de K [ x ] appartienne à la famille admissible associée à une pseudo-valuation...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 42