Displaying 121 – 140 of 779

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Cohomology of the G-Hilbert Scheme for 1/r(1,1,R−1)

Kędzierski, Oskar (2004)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 14E15; Secondary 14C05,14L30.In this note we attempt to generalize a few statements drawn from the 3-dimensional McKay correspondence to the case of a cyclic group not in SL(3, C). We construct a smooth, discrepant resolution of the cyclic, terminal quotient singularity of type 1/r(1,1,r−1), which turns out to be isomorphic to Nakamura’s G-Hilbert scheme. Moreover we explicitly describe tautological bundles and use them to construct a dual basis to...

Compact Kähler manifolds with compactifiable universal cover

Benoît Claudon, Andreas Höring (2013)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

In this appendix, we observe that Iitaka’s conjecture fits in the more general context of special manifolds, in which the relevant statements follow from the particular cases of projective and simple manifolds.

Comparaison de deux notions de rationalité d'un dessin d'enfant

Layla Pharamond dit d'Costa (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Soit f un revêtement ramifié de 𝐏 1 défini sur 𝐐 ¯ . Lorsqu’on s’intéresse aux propriétés de rationalité de f sur les les corps de nombres, on peut soit exiger que la base soit 𝐏 1 , soit l’autoriser à être une courbe de genre 0 . Nous comparons ces deux points de vue pour les revêtements non ramifiés en dehors de 0 , 1 ,

Contraction of excess fibres between the McKay correspondences in dimensions two and three

Samuel Boissière, Alessandra Sarti (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The quotient singularities of dimensions two and three obtained from polyhedral groups and the corresponding binary polyhedral groups admit natural resolutions of singularities as Hilbert schemes of regular orbits whose exceptional fibres over the origin reveal similar properties. We construct a morphism between these two resolutions, contracting exactly the excess part of the exceptional fibre. This construction is motivated by the study of some pencils of K3 surfaces appearing as minimal resolutions...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 779