Gaps in Chern Classes of Rank 2 Stable Reflexive Sheaves.
We define the zero-th Gauss-Manin stratification of a stratified bundle with respect to a smooth morphism and use it to study the homotopy sequence of stratified fundamental group schemes.
The Leitmotiv of this work is to find suitable notions of dual varieties in a general sense. We develop the basic elements of a duality theory for varieties and complex spaces, by adopting a geometric and a categorical point of view. One main feature is to prove a biduality property for each notion which is achieved in most cases.
Let X be a smooth complex projective variety of dimension n ≥ 3. A notion of geometric genus pg(X,E) for ample vector bundles E of rank r < n on X admitting some regular sections is introduced. The following inequality holds: pg(X,E) ≥ hn-r,0(X). The question of characterizing equality is discussed and the answer is given for E decomposable of corank 2. Some conjectures suggested by the result are formulated.
Le sujet de cet article est le groupe de Picard de la variété de modules des faisceaux algébriques semi-stables de rang et de classes de Chern sur . Le premier résultat est que est localement factorielle, ce qui permet d’identifier Pic et le groupe des classes d’équivalence linéaire des diviseurs de Weil de . Il existe une unique application telle que dim si et seulement si . Si on a égalité, Pic est isomorphe à , et si l’inégalité est stricte, Pic est isomorphe à . On donne ensuite...