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Exceptional singular -homology planes

Karol Palka (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider singular -acyclic surfaces with smooth locus of non-general type. We prove that if the singularities are topologically rational then the smooth locus is 1 - or * -ruled or the surface is up to isomorphism one of two exceptional surfaces of Kodaira dimension zero. For both exceptional surfaces the Kodaira dimension of the smooth locus is zero and the singular locus consists of a unique point of type A 1 and A 2 respectively.

Explicit resolutions of double point singularities of surfaces.

Alberto Calabri, Rita Ferraro (2002)

Collectanea Mathematica

Locally analytically, any isolated double point occurs as a double cover of a smooth surface. It can be desingularized explicitly via the canonical resolution, as it is very well-known. In this paper we explicitly compute the fundamental cycle of both the canonical and minimal resolution of a double point singularity and we classify those for which the fundamental cycle differs from the fiber cycle. Moreover we compute the conditions that a double point singularity imposes to pluricanonical systems....

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