Schottky-Jung Relations and Vectorbundles on Hyperelliptic Curves.
We study the codimension two locus in consisting of principally polarized abelian varieties whose theta divisor has a singularity that is not an ordinary double point. We compute the class for every . For , this turns out to be the locus of Jacobians with a vanishing theta-null. For , via the Prym map we show that has two components, both unirational, which we describe completely. We then determine the slope of the effective cone of and show that the component of the Andreotti-Mayer...
Nous nous intéressons à la cohomologie d’intersection de la compactification minimale des variétés de Siegel à certaines places de mauvaise réduction. Nous calculons la trace semi-simple du morphisme de Frobenius sur les fibres des cycles proches du complexe d’intersection. Nous obtenons une généralisation commune de résultats de Morel et de Haines et Ngô.