Displaying 141 – 160 of 813

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Critical and ramification points of the modular parametrization of an elliptic curve

Christophe Delaunay (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let E be an elliptic curve defined over with conductor N and denote by ϕ the modular parametrization: ϕ : X 0 ( N ) E ( ) . In this paper, we are concerned with the critical and ramification points of ϕ . In particular, we explain how we can obtain a more or less experimental study of these points.

Decompositions of an Abelian surface and quadratic forms

Shouhei Ma (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

When a complex Abelian surface can be decomposed into a product of two elliptic curves, how many decompositions does the Abelian surface admit? We provide arithmetic formulae for the number of such decompositions.

Denominators of Igusa class polynomials

Kristin Lauter, Bianca Viray (2014)

Publications mathématiques de Besançon

In [22], the authors proved an explicit formula for the arithmetic intersection number CM ( K ) . G 1 on the Siegel moduli space of abelian surfaces, under some assumptions on the quartic CM field K . These intersection numbers allow one to compute the denominators of Igusa class polynomials, which has important applications to the construction of genus 2 curves for use in cryptography. One of the main tools in the proof was a previous result of the authors [21] generalizing the singular moduli formula of Gross...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 813