Displaying 21 – 40 of 118

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The equations of space curves on a quadric.

Roberta Di Gennaro, Uwe Nagel (2007)

Collectanea Mathematica

The homogeneous ideals of curves in a double plane have been studied by Chiarli, Greco, Nagel. Completing this work we describe the equations of any curve that is contained in some quadric. As a consequence, we classify the Hartshorne-Rao modules of such curves.

The existence of equivariant pure free resolutions

David Eisenbud, Gunnar Fløystad, Jerzy Weyman (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let A = K [ x 1 , , x m ] be a polynomial ring in m variables and let d = ( d 0 < < d m ) be a strictly increasing sequence of m + 1 integers. Boij and Söderberg conjectured the existence of graded A -modules M of finite length having pure free resolution of type d in the sense that for i = 0 , , m the i -th syzygy module of M has generators only in degree d i .This paper provides a construction, in characteristic zero, of modules with this property that are also G L ( m ) -equivariant. Moreover, the construction works over rings of the form A K B where A is a polynomial...

The generalized Hodge and Bloch conjectures are equivalent for general complete intersections

Claire Voisin (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We prove that Bloch’s conjecture is true for surfaces with p g = 0 obtained as 0 -sets X σ of a section σ of a very ample vector bundle on a variety X with “trivial” Chow groups. We get a similar result in presence of a finite group action, showing that if a projector of the group acts as 0 on holomorphic 2 -forms of  X σ , then it acts as 0 on  0 -cycles of degree 0 of  X σ . In higher dimension, we also prove a similar but conditional result showing that the generalized Hodge conjecture for general X σ implies the...

The geometry of the space of Cauchy data of nonlinear PDEs

Giovanni Moreno (2013)

Open Mathematics

First-order jet bundles can be put at the foundations of the modern geometric approach to nonlinear PDEs, since higher-order jet bundles can be seen as constrained iterated jet bundles. The definition of first-order jet bundles can be given in many equivalent ways - for instance, by means of Grassmann bundles. In this paper we generalize it by means of flag bundles, and develop the corresponding theory for higher-oder and infinite-order jet bundles. We show that this is a natural geometric framework...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 118