Congruence-free commutative semirings.
Starting from an arbitrary ring R we provide a systematic construction of ℤ/nℤ-graded rings A which are Frobenius extensions of R, and show that under mild assumptions, A is an Auslander-Gorenstein local ring if and only if so is R.
In this paper we study big convexity theories, that is convexity theories that are not necessarily bounded. As in the bounded case (see [4]) such a convexity theory Γ gives rise to the category ΓC of (left) Γ-convex modules. This is an equationally presentable category, and we prove that it is indeed an algebraic category over Set. We also introduce the category ΓAlg of Γ-convex algebras and show that the category Frm of frames is isomorphic to the category of associative, commutative, idempotent...