The closure of radical classes under finite subdirect products
We give a description of faces, of all codimensions, for the cones spanned by the set of weights associated to the rings of semi-invariants of quivers. For a triple flag quiver and its faces of codimension 1 this description reduces to the result of Knutson-Tao-Woodward on the facets of the Klyachko cone. We give new applications to Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, including a product formula for LR-coefficients corresponding to triples of partitions lying on a wall of the Klyachko cone. We systematically...
We prove that a completely separating incidence algebra of a partially ordered set is of tame representation type if and only if the associated Tits integral quadratic form is weakly non-negative.
We prove that the component quiver of a connected self-injective artin algebra A of infinite representation type is fully cyclic, that is, every finite set of components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of A lies on a common oriented cycle in .
We study when the composite of n irreducible morphisms between modules in a regular component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver is non-zero and lies in the n+1-th power of the radical ℜ of the module category. We prove that in this case such a composite belongs to . We apply these results to characterize those string algebras having n irreducible morphisms between band modules such that their composite is a non-zero morphism in .
We prove that the separating space of a Lie homomorphism from a Banach algebra onto a Banach algebra is contained in the centre modulo the radical.
In this paper, we study the structure of group rings by means of endomorphism rings of their modules. The main tools used here, are the subrings fixed by automorphisms and the converse of Schur's lemma. Some results are obtained on fixed subrings and on primary decomposition of group rings.
We show that the dimension of the derived category of an elliptic curve or a tubular weighted projective line is one. We give explicit generators realizing this number, and show that they are in a certain sense minimal.
Let be a finite union of Dynkin quivers, a finite abelian group, the generalized McKay quiver of and the Auslander-Reiten quiver of . Then acts functorially on the quiver . We show that the Auslander-Reiten quiver of coincides with the generalized McKay quiver of .