The Kiew Algorithm for bocses applies directly to representation-finite algebras.
Let Γ be a finite-dimensional hereditary basic algebra. We consider the radical rad Γ as a Γ-bimodule. It is known that there exists a quasi-hereditary algebra 𝓐 such that the category of matrices over rad Γ is equivalent to the category of Δ-filtered 𝓐-modules ℱ(𝓐,Δ). In this note we determine the quasi-hereditary algebra 𝓐 and prove certain properties of its module category.
Like the classical Gram-Schmidt theorem for symplectic vector spaces, the sheaf-theoretic version (in which the coefficient algebra sheaf is appropriately chosen) shows that symplectic -morphisms on free -modules of finite rank, defined on a topological space , induce canonical bases (Theorem 1.1), called symplectic bases. Moreover (Theorem 2.1), if is an -module (with respect to a -algebra sheaf without zero divisors) equipped with an orthosymmetric -morphism, we show, like in the classical...
We study the thick subcategories of the stable category of finitely generated modules for the principal block of the group algebra of a finite group G over a field of characteristic p. In case G is a p-group we obtain a complete classification of the thick subcategories. The same classification works whenever the nucleus of the cohomology variety is zero. In case the nucleus is nonzero, we describe some examples which lead us to believe that there are always infinitely many thick subcategories concentrated...
We show the Tychonoff's theorem for a Grothendieck category with a set of small projective generators. Strictly quasi-finite objects for semiartinian Grothendieck categories are characterized. We apply these results to the study of the Morita duality of dual algebra of a coalgebra.
Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra over a field k. We discuss the existence of trisections (mod₊ A,mod₀ A,mod₋ A) of the category of finitely generated modules mod A satisfying exactness, standardness, separation and adjustment conditions. Many important classes of algebras admit trisections. We describe a construction of algebras admitting a trisection of their module categories and, in special cases, we describe the structure of the components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver lying in mod₀ A.
Let Fl(R) denote the category of flat right modules over an associative ring R. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for Fl(R) to be a Grothendieck category, in terms of properties of the ring R.