Displaying 161 – 180 of 190

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On the structure theory of the Iwasawa algebra of a p-adic Lie group

Otmar Venjakob (2002)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

This paper is motivated by the question whether there is a nice structure theory of finitely generated modules over the Iwasawa algebra, i.e. the completed group algebra, Λ of a p -adic analytic group G . For G without any p -torsion element we prove that Λ is an Auslander regular ring. This result enables us to give a good definition of the notion of a pseudo-null Λ -module. This is classical when G = p k for some integer k 1 , but was previously unknown in the non-commutative case. Then the category of Λ -modules...

On the trivial extensions of tubular algebras

Jerzy Białkowski (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The aim of this note is to give an affirmative answer to a problem raised in [9] by J. Nehring and A. Skowroński, concerning the number of nonstable ℙ₁(K)-families of quasi-tubes in the Auslander-Reiten quivers of the trivial extensions of tubular algebras over algebraically closed fields K.

On torsion Gorenstein injective modules

Okyeon Yi (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we define Gorenstein injective rings, Gorenstein injective modules and their envelopes. The main topic of this paper is to show that if D is a Gorenstein integral domain and M is a left D -module, then the torsion submodule t G M of Gorenstein injective envelope G M of M is also Gorenstein injective. We can also show that if M is a torsion D -module of a Gorenstein injective integral domain D , then the Gorenstein injective envelope G M of M is torsion.

On torsionfree classes which are not precover classes

Ladislav Bican (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In the class of all exact torsion theories the torsionfree classes are cover (precover) classes if and only if the classes of torsionfree relatively injective modules or relatively exact modules are cover (precover) classes, and this happens exactly if and only if the torsion theory is of finite type. Using the transfinite induction in the second half of the paper a new construction of a torsionfree relatively injective cover of an arbitrary module with respect to Goldie’s torsion theory of finite...

On weakly projective and weakly injective modules

Mohammad Saleh (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The purpose of this paper is to further the study of weakly injective and weakly projective modules as a generalization of injective and projective modules. For a locally q.f.d. module M , there exists a module K σ [ M ] such that K N is weakly injective in σ [ M ] , for any N σ [ M ] . Similarly, if M is projective and right perfect in σ [ M ] , then there exists a module K σ [ M ] such that K N is weakly projective in σ [ M ] , for any N σ [ M ] . Consequently, over a right perfect ring every module is a direct summand of a weakly projective module. For...

On wings of the Auslander-Reiten quivers of selfinjective algebras

Marta Kwiecień, Andrzej Skowroński (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a wing of an Auslander-Reiten quiver of a selfinjective algebra to be the wing of the radical of an indecomposable projective module. Moreover, a characterization of indecomposable Nakayama algebras of Loewy length ≥ 3 is obtained.

On μ -singular and μ -extending modules

Yahya Talebi, Ali Reza Moniri Hamzekolaee (2012)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let M be a module and μ be a class of modules in Mod - R which is closed under isomorphisms and submodules. As a generalization of essential submodules Özcan in [8] defines a μ -essential submodule provided it has a non-zero intersection with any non-zero submodule in μ . We define and investigate μ -singular modules. We also introduce μ -extending and weakly μ -extending modules and mainly study weakly μ -extending modules. We give some characterizations of μ -co-H-rings by weakly μ -extending modules. Let R ...

On τ -extending modules

Y. Talebi, R. Mohammadi (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we introduce the concept of τ -extending modules by τ -rational submodules and study some properties of such modules. It is shown that the set of all τ -rational left ideals of R R is a Gabriel filter. An R -module M is called τ -extending if every submodule of M is τ -rational in a direct summand of M . It is proved that M is τ -extending if and only if M = R e j M E ( R / τ ( R ) ) N , such that N is a τ -extending submodule of M . An example is given to show that the direct sum of τ -extending modules need not be τ -extending....

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 190