Analyticité et itères d'un système de champs non elliptique
This project was partially supported by RFBR, grants 99-01-00233, 98-01-01020 and 00-15-96128.We study the asymptotic behaviour of numerical characteristics of polynomial identities of Lie algebras over a field of characteristic 0. In particular we investigate the colength for the cocharacters of polynilpotent varieties of Lie algebras. We prove that there exist polynilpotent Lie varieties with exponential and overexponential colength growth. We give the exact asymptotics for the colength of a product...
In this work the properties of Cartan subalgebras and weight spaces of finite dimensional Lie algebras are extended to the case of Leibniz algebras. Namely, the relation between Cartan subalgebras and regular elements are described, also an analogue of Cartan s criterion of solvability is proved.
A Lie algebra is called 2-step nilpotent if is not abelian and lies in the center of . 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras are useful in the study of some geometric problems, and their classification has been an important problem in Lie theory. In this paper, we give a classification of 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension 9 with 2-dimensional center.
We seek to classify the full-rank left-invariant control affine systems evolving on solvable three-dimensional Lie groups. In this paper we consider only the cases corresponding to the solvable Lie algebras of types II, IV, and V in the Bianchi-Behr classification.