Derivationen und Automorphismen von Algebren, in denen die Gleichung x2 = 0 nur trivial lösbar ist.
Let be an arbitrary commutative ring with identity, the general linear Lie algebra over , the diagonal subalgebra of . In case 2 is a unit of , all subalgebras of containing are determined and their derivations are given. In case 2 is not a unit partial results are given.
In this paper, we present some basic properties concerning the derivation algebra Der (T), the quasiderivation algebra QDer (T) and the generalized derivation algebra GDer (T) of a Lie triple system T, with the relationship Der (T) ⊆ QDer (T) ⊆ GDer (T) ⊆ End (T). Furthermore, we completely determine those Lie triple systems T with condition QDer (T) = End (T). We also show that the quasiderivations of T can be embedded as derivations in a larger Lie triple system.