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Lie-Rinehart algebras, Gerstenhaber algebras and Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras

Johannes Huebschmann (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

For any Lie-Rinehart algebra ( A , L ) , B(atalin)-V(ilkovisky) algebra structures on the exterior A -algebra Λ A L correspond bijectively to right ( A , L ) -module structures on A ; likewise, generators for the Gerstenhaber algebra Λ A L correspond bijectively to right ( A , L ) -connections on A . When L is projective as an A -module, given a B-V algebra structure on Λ A L , the homology of the B-V algebra ( Λ A L , ) coincides with the homology of L with coefficients in A with reference to the right ( A , L ) -module structure determined by . When...

Linear free divisors and the global logarithmic comparison theorem

Michel Granger, David Mond, Alicia Nieto-Reyes, Mathias Schulze (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A complex hypersurface D in n is a linear free divisor (LFD) if its module of logarithmic vector fields has a global basis of linear vector fields. We classify all LFDs for n at most 4 .By analogy with Grothendieck’s comparison theorem, we say that the global logarithmic comparison theorem (GLCT) holds for D if the complex of global logarithmic differential forms computes the complex cohomology of n D . We develop a general criterion for the GLCT for LFDs and prove that it is fulfilled whenever the...

Linear maps Lie derivable at zero on 𝒥-subspace lattice algebras

Xiaofei Qi, Jinchuan Hou (2010)

Studia Mathematica

A linear map L on an algebra is said to be Lie derivable at zero if L([A,B]) = [L(A),B] + [A,L(B)] whenever [A,B] = 0. It is shown that, for a 𝒥-subspace lattice ℒ on a Banach space X satisfying dim K ≠ 2 whenever K ∈ 𝒥(ℒ), every linear map on ℱ(ℒ) (the subalgebra of all finite rank operators in the JSL algebra Alg ℒ) Lie derivable at zero is of the standard form A ↦ δ (A) + ϕ(A), where δ is a generalized derivation and ϕ is a center-valued linear map. A characterization of linear maps Lie derivable...

Local geometry of orbits for an ordinary classical lie supergroup

Tomasz Przebinda (2006)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we identify a real reductive dual pair of Roger Howe with an Ordinary Classical Lie supergroup. In these terms we describe the semisimple orbits of the dual pair in the symplectic space, a slice through a semisimple element of the symplectic space, an analog of a Cartan subalgebra, the corresponding Weyl group and the corresponding Weyl integration formula.

Local superderivations on Lie superalgebra 𝔮 ( n )

Haixian Chen, Ying Wang (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝔮 ( n ) be a simple strange Lie superalgebra over the complex field . In a paper by A. Ayupov, K. Kudaybergenov (2016), the authors studied the local derivations on semi-simple Lie algebras over and showed the difference between the properties of local derivations on semi-simple and nilpotent Lie algebras. We know that Lie superalgebras are a generalization of Lie algebras and the properties of some Lie superalgebras are similar to those of semi-simple Lie algebras, but 𝔭 ( n ) is an exception. In this...

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