Displaying 41 – 60 of 140

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Fixed points for positive permutation braids

Michał Misiurewicz, Ana Rodrigues (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Making use of the Nielsen fixed point theory, we study a conjugacy invariant of braids, which we call the level index function. We present a simple algorithm for computing it for positive permutation cyclic braids.

Geometric subgroups of surface braid groups

Luis Paris, Dale Rolfsen (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let M be a surface, let N be a subsurface, and let n m be two positive integers. The inclusion of N in M gives rise to a homomorphism from the braid group B n N with n strings on N to the braid group B m M with m strings on M . We first determine necessary and sufficient conditions that this homomorphism is injective, and we characterize the commensurator, the normalizer and the centralizer of π 1 N in π 1 M . Then we calculate the commensurator, the normalizer and the centralizer of B n N in B m M for large surface braid...

Homology computations for complex braid groups

Filippo Callegaro, Ivan Marin (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Complex braid groups are the natural generalizations of braid groups associated to arbitrary (finite) complex reflection groups. We investigate several methods for computing the homology of these groups. In particular, we get the Poincaré polynomial with coefficients in a finite field for one large series of such groups, and compute the second integral cohomology group for all of them. As a consequence we get non-isomorphism results for these groups.

Homology of braid groups and their generalizations

Vladimir Vershinin (1998)

Banach Center Publications

In the paper we give a survey of (co)homologies of braid groups and groups connected with them. Among these groups are pure braid groups and generalized braid groups. We present explicit formulations of some theorems of V. I. Arnold, E. Brieskorn, D. B. Fuks, F. Cohen, V. V. Goryunov and others. The ideas of some proofs are outlined. As an application of (co)homologies of braid groups we study the Thom spectra of these groups.

Homology of gaussian groups

Patrick Dehornoy, Yves Lafont (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We describe new combinatorial methods for constructing explicit free resolutions of by G -modules when G is a group of fractions of a monoid where enough lest common multiples exist (“locally Gaussian monoid”), and therefore, for computing the homology of G . Our constructions apply in particular to all Artin-Tits groups of finite Coexter type. Technically, the proofs rely on the properties of least common multiples in a monoid.

Irréductibilité générique des produits tensoriels de monodromies

Ivan Marin (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Nous étudions le problème de l’irréductibilité du produit tensoriel de deux représentations irréductibles d’un groupe fondamental G = π 1 ( X ) , quand X est le complémentaire d’hypersurfaces dans un espace projectif. Nous mettons en place un formalisme adapté et utilisons une approche par monodromie pour définir une classe de représentations irréductibles de G dont les produits tensoriels restent irréductibles pour des valeurs génériques de paramètres de définition. Ceci est appliqué au groupe de tresses pures...

K ( π , 1 ) conjecture for Artin groups

Luis Paris (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

The purpose of this paper is to put together a large amount of results on the K ( π , 1 ) conjecture for Artin groups, and to make them accessible to non-experts. Firstly, this is a survey, containing basic definitions, the main results, examples and an historical overview of the subject. But, it is also a reference text on the topic that contains proofs of a large part of the results on this question. Some proofs as well as few results are new. Furthermore, the text, being addressed to non-experts, is as...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 140