Displaying 61 – 80 of 82

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Quasi-isometric maps and Floyd boundaries of relatively hyperbolic groups

Victor Gerasimov, Leonid Potyagailo (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We describe the kernel of the canonical map from the Floyd boundary of a relatively hyperbolic group to its Bowditch boundary. Using the Floyd completion we further prove that the property of relative hyperbolicity is invariant under quasi-isometric maps. If a finitely generated group H admits a quasi-isometric map ϕ into a relatively hyperbolic group G then H is itself relatively hyperbolic with respect to a system of subgroups whose image under ϕ is situated within a uniformly bounded distance...

Quasi-Isometries Need Not Induce Homeomorphisms of Contracting Boundaries with the Gromov Product Topology

Christopher H. Cashen (2016)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We consider a ‘contracting boundary’ of a proper geodesic metric space consisting of equivalence classes of geodesic rays that behave like geodesics in a hyperbolic space.We topologize this set via the Gromov product, in analogy to the topology of the boundary of a hyperbolic space. We show that when the space is not hyperbolic, quasi-isometries do not necessarily give homeomorphisms of this boundary. Continuity can fail even when the spaces are required to be CAT(0). We show this by constructing...

Random walks on co-compact fuchsian groups

Sébastien Gouëzel, Steven P. Lalley (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

It is proved that the Green’s function of a symmetric finite range random walk on a co-compact Fuchsian group decays exponentially in distance at the radius of convergence R . It is also shown that Ancona’s inequalities extend to  R , and therefore that the Martin boundary for  R -potentials coincides with the natural geometric boundary S 1 , and that the Martin kernel is uniformly Hölder continuous. Finally, this implies a local limit theorem for the transition probabilities: in the aperiodic case, p n ( x , y ) C x , y R - n n - 3 / 2 .

Structure of geodesics in the Cayley graph of infinite Coxeter groups

Ryszard Szwarc (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let (W,S) be a Coxeter system such that no two generators in S commute. Assume that the Cayley graph of (W,S) does not contain adjacent hexagons. Then for any two vertices x and y in the Cayley graph of W and any number k ≤ d = dist(x,y) there are at most two vertices z such that dist(x,z) = k and dist(z,y) = d - k. Allowing adjacent hexagons, but assuming that no three hexagons can be adjacent to each other, we show that the number of such intermediate vertices at a given distance from x and y...

Sur l'accessibilité acylindrique des groupes de présentation finie

Thomas Delzant (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit G un groupe et τ un G -arbre. Dans cet article, nous supposons que G ne se scinde pas comme amalgame G = A * C B , ou HNN extension G = A * C au-dessus d’un groupe C qui stabilise un segment de longueur k dans τ ( k 2 ) ; si de plus τ ne contient pas de sous-arbre G -invariant, nous montrons que le nombre de sommets de τ / G est majoré par 12 k T , où T mesure la complexité d’une présentation de G .

Systolic groups acting on complexes with no flats are word-hyperbolic

Piotr Przytycki (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that if a group acts properly and cocompactly on a systolic complex, in whose 1-skeleton there is no isometrically embedded copy of the 1-skeleton of an equilaterally triangulated Euclidean plane, then the group is word-hyperbolic. This was conjectured by D. T. Wise.

The geometry of abstract groups and their splittings.

Charles Terence Clegg Wall (2003)

Revista Matemática Complutense

A survey of splitting theorems for abstract groups and their applications. Topics covered include preliminaries, early results, Bass-Serre theory, the structure of G-trees, Serre's applications to SL2 and length functions. Stallings' theorem, results about accessibility and bounds for splittability. Duality groups and pairs; results of Eckmann and collaborators on PD2 groups. Relative ends, the JSJ theorems and the splitting results of Kropholler and Roller on PDn groups. Notions of quasi-isometry,...

The isomorphism problem for toral relatively hyperbolic groups

François Dahmani, Daniel Groves (2008)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

We provide a solution to the isomorphism problem for torsion-free relatively hyperbolic groups with abelian parabolics. As special cases we recover solutions to the isomorphism problem for: (i) torsion-free hyperbolic groups (Sela, [60] and unpublished); and (ii) finitely generated fully residually free groups (Bumagin, Kharlampovich and Miasnikov [14]). We also give a solution to the homeomorphism problem for finite volume hyperbolic n -manifolds, for n 3 . In the course of the proof of the main result,...

The square model for random groups

Tomasz Odrzygóźdź (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce a new random group model called the square model: we quotient a free group on n generators by a random set of relations, each of which is a reduced word of length 4. We prove that, just as in the Gromov model, for densities > 1/2 a random group in the square model is trivial with overwhelming probability and for densities < 1/2 a random group is hyperbolic with overwhelming probability. Moreover, we show that for densities d < 1/3 a random group in the square model does not...

Trees of manifolds and boundaries of systolic groups

Paweł Zawiślak (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that the Pontryagin sphere and the Pontryagin nonorientable surface occur as the Gromov boundary of a 7-systolic group acting geometrically on a 7-systolic normal pseudomanifold of dimension 3.


Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, David Hume (0)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Marc Bourdon (0)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 82