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Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana
Ad un'algebra di von Neumann separabile , in forma standard su di uno spazio di Hilbert , si associa la algebra definita come la algebra costituita dai punti fissi dell'algebra di Cuntz generalizzata mediante l'azione canonica del gruppo degli unitari di . Si dà una caratterizzazione di nel caso in cui è un fattore iniettivo. In seguito, come applicazione della teoria dei sistemi asintoticamente abeliani, si mostra che, se è uno stato vettoriale normale e fedele di , la restrizione...
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Séminaire Dubreil. Algèbre et théorie des nombres
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Journal of the European Mathematical Society
In this paper we study the BGG-categories associated to quantum groups. We prove that many properties of the ordinary BGG-category for a semisimple complex Lie algebra carry over to the quantum case. Of particular interest is the case when is a complex root of unity. Here we prove a tensor decomposition for both simple modules, projective modules, and indecomposable tilting modules. Using the known Kazhdan-Lusztig conjectures for and for finite dimensional -modules we are able to determine...
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Inventiones mathematicae
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Open Mathematics
We give formulae relating the value Xλ (g) of an irreducible character of a classical group G to entries of powers of the matrix g ε G. This yields a far-reaching generalization of a result of J.L. Cisneros-Molina concerning the GL 2 case [1].
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Annales de l’institut Fourier
In this paper, I construct noncompact analogs of the Chern classes for equivariant vector bundles over complex reductive groups. For the tangent bundle, these Chern classes yield an adjunction formula for the (topological) Euler characteristic of complete intersections in reductive groups. In the case where a complete intersection is a curve, this formula gives an explicit answer for the Euler characteristic and the genus of the curve. I also prove that the higher Chern classes vanish. The first...
Paolo Bravi (2010)
Les cours du CIRM
We give a short introduction to the problem of classification of spherical varieties, by presenting the Luna conjecture about the classification of wonderful varieties and illustrating some of the related currently known results.
Paolo Bravi, Stéphanie Cupit-Foutou (2010)
Annales de l’institut Fourier
In the setting of strict wonderful varieties we prove Luna’s conjecture, saying that wonderful varieties are classified by combinatorial objects, the so-called spherical systems. In particular, we prove that primitive strict wonderful varieties are mostly obtained from symmetric spaces, spherical nilpotent orbits and model spaces. To make the paper as self-contained as possible, we also gather some known results on these families and more generally on wonderful varieties.
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Inventiones mathematicae
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Inventiones mathematicae