Derivations of vector fields
For an eigenfunction of the Laplacian on a hyperbolic Riemann surface, the coefficients of the Fourier expansion are described as intertwining functionals. All intertwiners are classified. A refined growth estimate for the coefficients is given and a summation formula is proved.
This paper contains an application of Langlands’ functoriality principle to the following classical problem: which finite groups, in particular which simple groups appear as Galois groups over ? Let be a prime and a positive integer. We show that that the finite simple groups of Lie type if and appear as Galois groups over , for some divisible by . In particular, for each of the two Lie types and fixed we construct infinitely many Galois groups but we do not have a precise control...
Let be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic . Consider the dual pair over with split. Write and for the stacks of -torsors and -torsors on . The theta-kernel on yields theta-lifting functors and between the corresponding derived categories. We describe the relation of these functors with Hecke operators. In two particular cases these functors realize the geometric Langlands functoriality for the above pair (in the non ramified case)....
Soit un corps de nombres et soit une extension cyclique de , de degré . L’induction automorphe associe à une représentation automorphe cuspidale de une représentation automorphe de , induite de cuspidale. La représentation est caractérisée par le fait qu’à presque toute place de , le facteur est le produit des facteurs , parcourant les places de au–dessus de . Par la correspondance conjecturale de Langlands, cette opération doit correspondre à l’induction, de à , des...