Displaying 1141 – 1160 of 4570

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Distributional derivatives of functions of two variables of finite variation and their application to an impulsive hyperbolic equation

Dariusz Idczak (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give characterizations of the distributional derivatives D 1 , 1 , D 1 , 0 , D 0 , 1 of functions of two variables of locally finite variation. Then we use these results to prove the existence theorem for the hyperbolic equation with a nonhomogeneous term containing the distributional derivative determined by an additive function of an interval of finite variation. An application of the above theorem to a hyperbolic equation with an impulse effect is also given.

Distributional fractional powers of the Laplacean. Riesz potentials

Celso Martínez, Miguel Sanzi, Francisco Periago (1999)

Studia Mathematica

For different reasons it is very useful to have at one’s disposal a duality formula for the fractional powers of the Laplacean, namely, ( ( - Δ ) α u , ϕ ) = ( u , ( - Δ ) α ϕ ) , α ∈ ℂ, for ϕ belonging to a suitable function space and u to its topological dual. Unfortunately, this formula makes no sense in the classical spaces of distributions. For this reason we introduce a new space of distributions where the above formula can be established. Finally, we apply this distributional point of view on the fractional powers of the Laplacean...

Domination in the families of Frank and Hamacher t-norms

Peter Sarkoci (2005)


Domination is a relation between general operations defined on a poset. The old open problem is whether domination is transitive on the set of all t-norms. In this paper we contribute partially by inspection of domination in the family of Frank and Hamacher t-norms. We show that between two different t-norms from the same family, the domination occurs iff at least one of the t-norms involved is a maximal or minimal member of the family. The immediate consequence of this observation is the transitivity...

Double exponential integrability, Bessel potentials and embedding theorems

David Edmunds, Petr Gurka, Bohumír Opic (1995)

Studia Mathematica

This paper is a continuation of [5] and provides necessary and sufficient conditions for double exponential integrability of the Bessel potential of functions from suitable (generalized) Lorentz-Zygmund spaces. These results are used to establish embedding theorems for Bessel potential spaces which extend Trudinger's result.

Dual spaces of local Morrey-type spaces

Amiran Gogatishvili, Rza Mustafayev (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we show that associated spaces and dual spaces of the local Morrey-type spaces are so called complementary local Morrey-type spaces. Our method is based on an application of multidimensional reverse Hardy inequalities.

Each nowhere dense nonvoid closed set in Rn is a σ-limit set

Andrei Sivak (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We discuss main properties of the dynamics on minimal attraction centers (σ-limit sets) of single trajectories for continuous maps of a compact metric space into itself. We prove that each nowhere dense nonvoid closed set in n , n ≥ 1, is a σ-limit set for some continuous map.

Effective decomposition of σ-continuous Borel functions

Gabriel Debs (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that if a Δ¹₁ function f with Σ¹₁ domain X is σ-continuous then one can find a Δ¹₁ covering ( A ) n ω of X such that f | A is continuous for all n. This is an effective version of a recent result by Pawlikowski and Sabok, generalizing an earlier result of Solecki.

Currently displaying 1141 – 1160 of 4570