Displaying 401 – 420 of 433

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On Two Saigo’s Fractional Integral Operators in the Class of Univalent Functions

Kiryakova, Virginia (2006)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33, 30C45; Secondary 33A35Recently, many papers in the theory of univalent functions have been devoted to mapping and characterization properties of various linear integral or integro-differential operators in the class S (of normalized analytic and univalent functions in the open unit disk U), and in its subclasses (as the classes S∗ of the starlike functions and K of the convex functions in U). Among these operators, two operators introduced...

On variations of functions of one real variable

Washek Frank Pfeffer (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We discuss variations of functions that provide conceptually similar descriptive definitions of the Lebesgue and Denjoy-Perron integrals.

On vector functions of bounded convexity

Libor Veselý, Luděk Zajíček (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let X be a normed linear space. We investigate properties of vector functions F : [ a , b ] X of bounded convexity. In particular, we prove that such functions coincide with the delta-convex mappings admitting a Lipschitz control function, and that convexity K a b F is equal to the variation of F + ' on [ a , b ) . As an application, we give a simple alternative proof of an unpublished result of the first author, containing an estimate of convexity of a composed mapping.

On weakly Gibson F σ -measurable mappings

Olena Karlova, Volodymyr Mykhaylyuk (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A function f: X → Y between topological spaces is said to be a weakly Gibson function if f ( Ū ) f ( U ) ¯ for any open connected set U ⊆ X. We prove that if X is a locally connected hereditarily Baire space and Y is a T₁-space then an F σ -measurable mapping f: X → Y is weakly Gibson if and only if for any connected set C ⊆ X with dense connected interior the image f(C) is connected. Moreover, we show that each weakly Gibson F σ -measurable mapping f: ℝⁿ → Y, where Y is a T₁-space, has a connected graph.

On Whitney pairs

Marianna Csörnyei (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A simple arc ϕ is said to be a Whitney arc if there exists a non-constant function f such that    l i m x x 0 ( | f ( x ) - f ( x 0 ) | ) / ( | ϕ ( x ) - ϕ ( x 0 ) | ) = 0 for every x 0 . G. Petruska raised the question whether there exists a simple arc ϕ for which every subarc is a Whitney arc, but for which there is no parametrization satisfying    l i m t t 0 ( | t - t 0 | ) / ( | ϕ ( t ) - ϕ ( t 0 ) | ) = 0 . We answer this question partially, and study the structural properties of possible monotone, strictly monotone and VBG* functions f and associated Whitney arcs.

On α -continuous functions

Dragan S. Janković, Ch. Konstadilaki-Savvopoulou (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

Classes of functions continuous in various senses, in particular θ -continuous, α -continuous, feeblz continuous a.o., and relations between the classes, are studied.

On ω-convex functions

Tomasz Szostok (2011)

Banach Center Publications

In Orlicz spaces theory some strengthened version of the Jensen inequality is often used to obtain nice geometrical properties of the Orlicz space generated by the Orlicz function satisfying this inequality. Continuous functions satisfying the classical Jensen inequality are just convex which means that such functions may be described geometrically in the following way: a segment joining every pair of points of the graph lies above the graph of such a function. In the current paper we try to obtain...

Operational Rules for a Mixed Operator of the Erdélyi-Kober Type

Luchko, Yury (2004)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (main), 44A40, 44A35, 33E30, 45J05, 45D05In the paper, the machinery of the Mellin integral transform is applied to deduce and prove some operational relations for a general operator of the Erdélyi-Kober type. This integro-differential operator is a composition of a number of left-hand sided and right-hand sided Erdélyi-Kober derivatives and integrals. It is referred to in the paper as a mixed operator of the Erdélyi-Kober type. For special values of...

Operator-valued functions of bounded semivariation and convolutions

Štefan Schwabik (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

The abstract Perron-Stieltjes integral in the Kurzweil-Henstock sense given via integral sums is used for defining convolutions of Banach space valued functions. Basic facts concerning integration are preseted, the properties of Stieltjes convolutions are studied and applied to obtain resolvents for renewal type Stieltjes convolution equations.

Currently displaying 401 – 420 of 433