Displaying 21 – 40 of 179

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An approximation theorem for sequences of linear strains and its applications

Kewei Zhang (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We establish an approximation theorem for a sequence of linear elastic strains approaching a compact set in L 1 by the sequence of linear strains of mapping bounded in Sobolev space W 1 , p . We apply this result to establish equalities for semiconvex envelopes for functions defined on linear strains via a construction of quasiconvex functions with linear growth.

An approximation theorem for sequences of linear strains and its applications

Kewei Zhang (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We establish an approximation theorem for a sequence of linear elastic strains approaching a compact set in L1 by the sequence of linear strains of mapping bounded in Sobolev space W1,p . We apply this result to establish equalities for semiconvex envelopes for functions defined on linear strains via a construction of quasiconvex functions with linear growth.

Characterization of convex functions

Jacek Tabor, Józef Tabor (2009)

Studia Mathematica

There are many inequalities which in the class of continuous functions are equivalent to convexity (for example the Jensen inequality and the Hermite-Hadamard inequalities). We show that this is not a coincidence: every nontrivial linear inequality which is valid for all convex functions is valid only for convex functions.

Convex and monotone operator functions

Jaspal Singh Aujla, H. L. Vasudeva (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The purpose of this note is to provide characterizations of operator convexity and give an alternative proof of a two-dimensional analogue of a theorem of Löwner concerning operator monotonicity.

Defects and transformations of quasi-copulas

Michal Dibala, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Radko Mesiar, Erich Peter Klement (2016)


Six different functions measuring the defect of a quasi-copula, i. e., how far away it is from a copula, are discussed. This is done by means of extremal non-positive volumes of specific rectangles (in a way that a zero defect characterizes copulas). Based on these defect functions, six transformations of quasi-copulas are investigated which give rise to six different partitions of the set of all quasi-copulas. For each of these partitions, each equivalence class contains exactly one copula being...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 179