On univalent and starlike Wright's hypergeometric functions
Let be an analytic self-mapping of and an analytic function on . In this paper we characterize the bounded and compact Volterra composition operators from the Bergman-type space to the Bloch-type space. We also obtain an asymptotical expression of the essential norm of these operators in terms of the symbols and .
Let ϕ: → and ψ: → ℂ be analytic maps. They induce a weighted composition operator acting between weighted Bergman spaces of infinite order and weighted Bloch type spaces. Under some assumptions on the weights we give a characterization for such an operator to be bounded in terms of the weights involved as well as the functions ψ and ϕ
In this paper we completely characterize those weighted Hardy spaces that are Poletsky-Stessin Hardy spaces . We also provide a reduction of problems to problems and demonstrate how such a reduction can be used to make shortcuts in the proofs of the interpolation theorem and corona problem.
The paper establishes integral representation formulas in arbitrarily wide Banach spaces of functions harmonic in the whole .
Let f be a transcendental meromorphic function and and . A number of results are obtained concerning the exponents of convergence of the zeros of g(z), , g(z)/f(z), and .