On Gleason's Decomposition for A...(...).
This paper deals with atomic decomposition and factorization of functions in the holomorphic Hardy space . Such representation theorems have been proved for strictly pseudoconvex domains. The atomic decomposition has also been proved for convex domains of finite type. Here the Hardy space was defined with respect to the ordinary Euclidean surface measure on the boundary. But for domains of finite type, it is natural to define with respect to a certain measure that degenerates near Levi-flat points...
In this review article we present the problem of studying Hardy spaces and the related Szeg˝o projection on worm domains. We review the importance of the Diederich–Fornæss worm domain as a smooth bounded pseudoconvex domain whose Bergman projection does not preserve Sobolev spaces of sufficiently high order and we highlight which difficulties arise in studying the same problem for the Szeg˝o projection. Finally, we announce and discuss the results we have obtained so far in the setting of non-smooth...
We construct a sequence of homogeneous polynomials on the unit ball in which are big at each point of the unit sphere . As an application we construct a holomorphic function on which is not integrable with any power on the intersection of with any complex subspace.
It is shown that under certain conditions every holomorphic isometry for the Carathéodory or the Kobayashi distances is an isometry for the corrisponding metrics. These results are used to give a characterization of biholomorphic mappings between convex domains and complete circular domains.
n the present paper the authors study some families of functions from a complex linear space into a complex linear space . They introduce the notion of -symmetrical function (; ) which is a generalization of the notions of even, odd and -symmetrical functions. They generalize the well know result that each function defined on a symmetrical subset of can be uniquely represented as the sum of an even function and an odd function.
Let A be a uniform algebra on X and σ a probability measure on X. We define the Hardy spaces and the interpolating sequences S in the p-spectrum of σ. We prove, under some structural hypotheses on A and σ, that if S is a “dual bounded” Carleson sequence, then S is -interpolating with a linear extension operator for s < p, provided that either p = ∞ or p ≤ 2. In the case of the unit ball of ℂⁿ we find, for instance, that if S is dual bounded in then S is -interpolating with a linear...
We define locally convex spaces LW and HW consisting of measurable and holomorphic functions in the unit ball, respectively, with the topology given by a family of weighted-sup seminorms. We prove that the Bergman projection is a continuous map from LW onto HW. These are the smallest spaces having this property. We investigate the topological and algebraic properties of HW.