Regular holomorphic images of balls
Every -dimensional complex manifold (connected, paracompact and Hausdorff) is the image of the unit ball in under a finite holomorphic map that is locally biholomorphic.
Every -dimensional complex manifold (connected, paracompact and Hausdorff) is the image of the unit ball in under a finite holomorphic map that is locally biholomorphic.
We prove a theorem on the boundary regularity of a purely p-dimensional complex subvariety of a relatively compact, strictly pseudoconvex domain in a Stein manifold. Some applications describing the structure of the polynomial hull of closed curves in Cn are also given.
Abstract. The characterization of hyperbolic embeddability of relatively compact subspaces of a complex space in terms of extension of holomorphic maps from the punctured disc and of limit complex lines is given.
We prove the existence of stationary discs in the ball for small almost complex deformations of the standard structure. We define a local analogue of the Riemann map and establish its main properties. These constructions are applied to study the local geometry of almost complex manifolds and their morphisms.
We show that any open Riemann surface can be properly immersed in any Stein manifold with the (Volume) Density property and of dimension at least 2. If the dimension is at least 3, we can actually choose this immersion to be an embedding. As an application, we show that Stein manifolds with the (Volume) Density property and of dimension at least 3, are characterized among all other complex manifolds by their semigroup of holomorphic endomorphisms.
We study a class of typical Hartogs domains which is called a generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain . The generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain is defined by inequality , where . In this paper, we will establish a rigidity of its holomorphic automorphism group. Our results imply that a holomorphic self-mapping of the generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain becomes a holomorphic automorphism if and only if it keeps the function invariant.
We establish the Schwarz Reflection Principle for -complex discs attached to a real analytic -totally real submanifold of an almost complex manifold with real analytic . We also prove the precise boundary regularity and derive the precise convergence in Gromov compactness theorem in -classes.
In this paper we prove some compactness theorems of families of proper holomorphic correspondences. In particular we extend the well known Wong-Rosay's theorem to proper holomorphic correspondences. This work generalizes some recent results proved in [17].
We prove some criteria for the injectivity of holomorphic mappings.