spaces on bounded symmetric domains
We give here a generalization of the theory of optimal destabilizing 1-parameter subgroups to non algebraic complex geometry : we consider holomorphic actions of a complex reductive Lie group on a finite dimensional (possibly non compact) Kähler manifold. In a second part we show how these results may extend in the gauge theoretical framework and we discuss the relation between the Harder-Narasimhan filtration and the optimal detstabilizing vectors of a non semistable object....
We study cohomologies and Hodge theory for complex manifolds with twisted differentials. In particular, we get another cohomological obstruction for manifolds in class C of Fujiki. We give a Hodgetheoretical proof of the characterization of solvmanifolds in class C of Fujiki, first stated by D. Arapura.
Let G be the Banach-Lie group of all holomorphic automorphisms of the open unit ball in a J*-algebra of operators. Let be the family of all collectively compact subsets W contained in . We show that the subgroup F ⊂ G of all those g ∈ G that preserve the family is a closed Lie subgroup of G and characterize its Banach-Lie algebra. We make a detailed study of F when is a Cartan factor.
In questo articolo si determina il gruppo di tutti gli automorfismi olomorfi del dominio tubolare sul cono di Vinberg. Tale dominio ha dimensione complessa 5 ed è il dominio tubolare omogeneo non simmetrico di dimensione più bassa. Si costruisce esplicitamente un gruppo transitivo di automorfismi olomorfi del dominio; successivamente, dimostrando che tale gruppo contiene l'intero sottogruppo di isotropia di un qualunque punto, si ottiene che esso coincide col gruppo di tutti gli automorfismi olomorfi...
In an earlier paper, the first two authors have shown that the convolution of a function continuous on the closure of a Cartan domain and a -invariant finite measure on that domain is again continuous on the closure, and, moreover, its restriction to any boundary face depends only on the restriction of to and is equal to the convolution, in , of the latter restriction with some measure on uniquely determined by . In this article, we give an explicit formula for in terms of ,...