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Ensembles d'unicité pour les automorphismes et les endomorphismes analytiques d'un domaine borné

Jean-Pierre Vigué (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Dans cet article, nous étudions les ensembles d’unicité pour le groupe Aut ( D ) des automorphismes analytiques d’un domaine borné D de n (resp. pour l’ensemble H ( D , D ) des fonctions holomorphes de D dans lui-même). Dans les deux cas, nous montrons qu’il existe des ensembles d’unicité contenus dans D n + 1 ; pour Aut ( D ) , nous montrons que ces ensembles d’unicité forment un ensemble dense de D n + 1 , et pour H ( D , D ) , que ce n’est pas le cas en général.

Exceptional modular form of weight 4 on an exceptional domain contained in C27.

Henry H. Kim (1993)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Resnikoff [12] proved that weights of a non trivial singular modular form should be integral multiples of 1/2, 1, 2, 4 for the Siegel, Hermitian, quaternion and exceptional cases, respectively. The θ-functions in the Siegel, Hermitian and quaternion cases provide examples of singular modular forms (Krieg [10]). Shimura [15] obtained a modular form of half-integral weight by analytically continuing an Eisenstein series. Bump and Bailey suggested the possibility of applying an analogue of Shimura's...

Extension of germs of holomorphic isometries up to normalizing constants with respect to the Bergman metric

Ngaiming Mok (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the extension problem for germs of holomorphic isometries f : ( D ; x 0 ) ( Ω ; f ( x 0 ) ) up to normalizing constants between bounded domains in Euclidean spaces equipped with Bergman metrics d s D 2 on D and d s Ω 2 on Ω . Our main focus is on boundary extension for pairs of bounded domains ( D , Ω ) such that the Bergman kernel K D ( z , w ) extends meromorphically in ( z , w ¯ ) to a neighborhood of D ¯ × D , and such that the analogous statement holds true for the Bergman kernel K Ω ( ς , ξ ) on Ω . Assuming that ( D ; d s D 2 ) and ( Ω ; d s Ω 2 ) are complete Kähler manifolds, we prove that the germ...

Extension of holomorphic bundles to the disc (and Serre’s Problem on Stein bundles)

Jean-Pierre Rosay (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Holomorphic bundles, with fiber n , defined on open sets in by locally constant transition automorphisms, are shown to extend to holomorphic bundles on the Riemann sphere. In particular, it allows us to give an example of a non-Stein holomorphic bundle on the unit disc, with polynomial transition automorphisms.

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