Kähler manifolds with numerically effective Ricci class
This paper is concerned with compact Kähler manifolds whose tangent bundle splits as a sum of subbundles. In particular, it is shown that if the tangent bundle is a sum of line bundles, then the manifold is uniformised by a product of curves. The methods are taken from the theory of foliations of (co)dimension 1.
We determine all anticanonically embedded quasi smooth log del Pezzo surfaces in weighted projective 3-spaces. Many of these admit a Kähler-Einstein metric and most of them do not have tigers.
In this note we discuss some recent and ongoing joint work with Thalia Jeffres concerning the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics on compact Kähler manifolds which have a prescribed incomplete singularity along a smooth divisor . We shall begin with a general discussion of the problem, and give a rough outline of the “classical” proof of existence in the smooth case, due to Yau and Aubin, where no singularities are prescribed. Following this is a discussion of the geometry of the conical or edge...
Let be a compact Kähler manifold and be a -divisor with simple normal crossing support and coefficients between and . Assuming that is ample, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a negatively curved Kahler-Einstein metric on having mixed Poincaré and cone singularities according to the coefficients of . As an application we prove a vanishing theorem for certain holomorphic tensor fields attached to the pair .