Über die Menge der kritischen Werte gewisser holomorpher Abbildungen.
Cet article est consacré à la démonstration d’une version presque complexe du théorème de Bloch. Considérons la réunion C de quatre J-droites en position générale dans un plan projectif presque complexe. Nous démontrons que toute suite non normale de J-disques évitant évitant la configuration C admet une sous-suite convergeant, au sens de Hausdorff, vers une partie la réunion des diagonales de C. En particulier, le complémentaire de la configuration C est hyperboliquement plongé dans le paln projectif...
On montre l'hyperbolicité du complémentaire de cinq droites en position générale dans un plan projectif presque complexe, répondant ainsi à une question de S. Ivashkovich.
In this Note, I prove that, in many cases, the injective Kobayashi pseudodistance, as defined by Hahn, is equal to the Kobayashi pseudodistance.
We show the variation formula for the Schiffer span s(t) for moving Riemann surfaces R(t) with , and apply it to show the simultaneous uniformization of moving planar Riemann surfaces of class .
We study the analytic structure of the leaves of a holomorphic foliation by curves on a compact complex manifold. We show that if every leaf is a hyperbolic surface then they can be simultaneously uniformized in a continuous manner. In case the manifold is complex projective space a sufficient condition is that there are no algebraic leaf.
The study of -holomorphic maps leads to the consideration of the inequations , and . The first inequation is fairly easy to use. The second one, that is relevant to the case of rough structures, is more delicate. The case of vector valued is strikingly different from the scalar valued case. Unique continuation and isolated zeroes are the main topics under study. One of the results is that, in almost complex structures of Hölder class , any -holomorphic curve that is constant on a non-empty...
The purpose of this paper is to describe a method to construct a Kähler metric with cone singularity along a divisor and to illustrate a type of maximum principle for these incomplete metrics by showing that Kähler-Einstein metrics are unique in geometric Hölder spaces.