Displaying 301 – 320 of 356

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Uniqueness of the boundary behavior for large solutions to a degenerate elliptic equation involving the ∞-Laplacian.

Gregorio Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso Díaz (2003)


En esta nota estimamos la tasa máxima de crecimiento en la frontera de las soluciones de viscosidad de -Δ∞u + λ|u|m-1u = f en Ω (λ > 0, m > 3).De hecho, mostramos que sólo hay una única tasa de explosión en la frontera para esas soluciones explosivas. También obtenemos una versión del Teorema de Liouville para el caso Ω = RN.

Uniqueness of very singular self-similar solution of a quasilinear degenerate parabolic equation with absorption.

Jesús Ildefonso Díaz, José Evaristo Saa (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We show the uniqueness of the very singular self-similar solution of the equationut - Δ pum + uq = 0.The result is carried out by studying the stationary associate equation and by introducing a suitable change of unknown. That allows to assume the zero-order perturbation term in the new equation to be monotone increasing. A careful study of the behaviour of solutions near the boundary of their support is also used in order to prove the main result.

Uniqueness of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

Sadek Gala (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

Consider the Navier-Stokes equation with the initial data a L σ 2 ( d ) . Let u and v be two weak solutions with the same initial value a . If u satisfies the usual energy inequality and if v L 2 ( ( 0 , T ) ; X ˙ 1 ( d ) d ) where X ˙ 1 ( d ) is the multiplier space, then we have u = v .

Uniqueness results for some PDEs

Nader Masmoudi (2003)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

Existence of solutions to many kinds of PDEs can be proved by using a fixed point argument or an iterative argument in some Banach space. This usually yields uniqueness in the same Banach space where the fixed point is performed. We give here two methods to prove uniqueness in a more natural class. The first one is based on proving some estimates in a less regular space. The second one is based on a duality argument. In this paper, we present some results obtained in collaboration with Pierre-Louis...

Uniqueness results for the Minkowski problem extended to hedgehogs

Yves Martinez-Maure (2012)

Open Mathematics

The classical Minkowski problem has a natural extension to hedgehogs, that is to Minkowski differences of closed convex hypersurfaces. This extended Minkowski problem is much more difficult since it essentially boils down to the question of solutions of certain Monge-Ampère equations of mixed type on the unit sphere 𝕊 n of ℝn+1. In this paper, we mainly consider the uniqueness question and give first results.

Uniqueness theorems for steady, compressible, heat-conducting fluids: exterior domains

Maria-Rosaria Padula (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si fornisce un teorema di unicità per moti stazionari regolari di fluidi compressibili, viscosi, termicamente conduttori, svolgentisi in regioni esterne a domini compatti della spazio fisico.

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 356