Partial Hölder continuity of the spatial derivatives of the solutions to nonlinear parabolic systems with quadratic growth
In the paper we present an identity of the Picone type for a class of nonlinear differential operators of the second order involving an arbitrary norm in which is continuously differentiable for and such that is strictly convex for some . Two important special cases are the -Laplacian and the so-called pseudo -Laplacian. The identity is then used to establish a variety of comparison results concerning nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations which involve such operators. We also get criteria...
For semilinear elliptic equations of critical exponential growth we establish the existence of positive solutions to the Dirichlet problem on suitable non-contractible domains.
In the paper the differential inequality where , , is studied. Sufficient conditions on the function are established, which guarantee nonexistence of an eventually positive solution. The generalized Riccati transformation is the main tool.
L’article étudie le compactifié de Martin d’un domaine lipschitzien relativement à un opérateur elliptique à coefficients hödériens ; on étend aux fonctions -harmoniques et aux fonctions -harmoniques adjointes sur une estimation de -Carleson pour le cas , puis on établit un “principe de Harnack à la frontière” comparant l’allure à la frontière de fonctions -harmoniques sur . Conséquences : , et normalisée en ; un théorème de type Fatou-Doob sur l’existence de limites angulaires.On...