Displaying 121 – 140 of 333

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Global stability of travelling fronts for a damped wave equation with bistable nonlinearity

Thierry Gallay, Romain Joly (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We consider the damped wave equation α u t t + u t = u x x - V ' ( u ) on the whole real line, where V is a bistable potential. This equation has travelling front solutions of the form u ( x , t ) = h ( x - s t ) which describe a moving interface between two different steady states of the system, one of which being the global minimum of V . We show that, if the initial data are sufficiently close to the profile of a front for large | x | , the solution of the damped wave equation converges uniformly on to a travelling front as t + . The proof of this global stability...

Hyperbolic heat conduction in two semi-infinite bodies in contact

J. A. López Molina, Macarena Trujillo Guillén (2005)

Applications of Mathematics

We find, under the viewpoint of the hyperbolic model of heat conduction, the exact analytical solution for the temperature distribution in all points of two semi-infinite homogeneous isotropic bodies that initially are at uniform temperatures T 0 1 and T 0 2 , respectively, suddenly placed together at time t = 0 and assuming that the contact between the bodies is perfect. We make graphics of the obtained temperature profiles of two bodies at different times and points. And finally, we compare the temperature...

Identifiability, stability and reconstruction results of point sources by boundary measurements in heteregeneous trees.

Serge Nicaise, Ouahiba Zaïr (2003)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We consider the inverse problem of determining point wave sources in heteregeneous trees, extensions of one-dimensional stratified sets. We show that the Neumann boundary observation on a part of the lateral boundary determines uniquely the point sources if the time of observation is large enough. We further establish a conditional stability and give a reconstructing scheme.

Inégalité d'observabilité du type logarithmique et estimation de la fonction de coût des solutions des équations hyperboliques

Leila Ouksel (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Dans ce travail, nous donnons une estimation logarithmique des données de la solution u, d'un problème hyperbolique avec condition aux limites de type Neumann, par la trace de u restreinte à un ouvert du bord, pendant un temps suffisamment grand qui nous permet d'estimer la fonction de coût de ce problème.

Initial-boundary value problems for second order systems of partial differential equations

Heinz-Otto Kreiss, Omar E. Ortiz, N. Anders Petersson (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We develop a well-posedness theory for second order systems in bounded domains where boundary phenomena like glancing and surface waves play an important role. Attempts have previously been made to write a second order system consisting of n equations as a larger first order system. Unfortunately, the resulting first order system consists, in general, of more than 2n equations which leads to many complications, such as side conditions which must be satisfied by the solution of the larger first order...

Initial-boundary value problems for second order systems of partial differential equations∗

Heinz-Otto Kreiss, Omar E. Ortiz, N. Anders Petersson (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We develop a well-posedness theory for second order systems in bounded domains where boundary phenomena like glancing and surface waves play an important role. Attempts have previously been made to write a second order system consisting of n equations as a larger first order system. Unfortunately, the resulting first order system consists, in general, of more than 2n equations which leads to many complications, such as side conditions which must...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 333