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Tunnel effect and symmetries for non-selfadjoint operators

Michael Hitrik (2013)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We study low lying eigenvalues for non-selfadjoint semiclassical differential operators, where symmetries play an important role. In the case of the Kramers-Fokker-Planck operator, we show how the presence of certain supersymmetric and 𝒫𝒯 -symmetric structures leads to precise results concerning the reality and the size of the exponentially small eigenvalues in the semiclassical (here the low temperature) limit. This analysis also applies sometimes to chains of oscillators coupled to two heat baths,...

Tunnel effect for semiclassical random walk

Jean-François Bony, Frédéric Hérau, Laurent Michel (2014)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

In this note we describe recent results on semiclassical random walk associated to a probability density which may also concentrate as the semiclassical parameter goes to zero. The main result gives a spectral asymptotics of the close to 1 eigenvalues. This problem was studied in [1] and relies on a general factorization result for pseudo-differential operators. In this note we just sketch the proof of this second theorem. At the end of the note, using the factorization, we give a new proof of the...

Two notions which affected nonlinear analysis (Bernard Bolzano lecture)

Pavel Drábek (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

General mathematical theories usually originate from the investigation of particular problems and notions which could not be handled by available tools and methods. The Fučík spectrum and the p -Laplacian are typical examples in the field of nonlinear analysis. The systematic study of these notions during the last four decades led to several interesting and surprising results and revealed deep relationship between the linear and the nonlinear structures. This paper does not provide a complete survey....

Two remarks about spectral asymptotics of pseudodifferential operators

Wojciech Czaja, Ziemowit Rzeszotnik (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In this paper we show an asymptotic formula for the number of eigenvalues of a pseudodifferential operator. As a corollary we obtain a generalization of the result by Shubin and Tulovskiĭ about the Weyl asymptotic formula. We also consider a version of the Weyl formula for the quasi-classical asymptotics.

Two separation criteria for second order ordinary or partial differential operators

Richard C. Brown, Don B. Hinton (1999)

Mathematica Bohemica

We generalize a well-known separation condition of Everitt and Giertz to a class of weighted symmetric partial differential operators defined on domains in n . Also, for symmetric second-order ordinary differential operators we show that lim sup t c ( p q ' ) ' / q 2 = θ < 2 where c is a singular point guarantees separation of - ( p y ' ) ' + q y on its minimal domain and extend this criterion to the partial differential setting. As a particular example it is shown that - Δ y + q y is separated on its minimal domain if q is superharmonic. For n = 1 the criterion...

Two-sided bounds of eigenvalues of second- and fourth-order elliptic operators

Andrey Andreev, Milena Racheva (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

This article presents an idea in the finite element methods (FEMs) for obtaining two-sided bounds of exact eigenvalues. This approach is based on the combination of nonconforming methods giving lower bounds of the eigenvalues and a postprocessing technique using conforming finite elements. Our results hold for the second and fourth-order problems defined on two-dimensional domains. First, we list analytic and experimental results concerning triangular and rectangular nonconforming elements which...

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